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Run LLaVA-Next on SGLang for Visual QA

Vision-Language Models (VLMs) are like LLMs with eyes: they can generate text based not just on other text, but on images as well.

This example shows how to run a VLM on Modal using the SGLang library.

Here’s a sample inference, with the image rendered directly in the terminal:

Sample output answering a question about a photo of the Statue of Liberty


First, we’ll import the libraries we need locally and define some constants.

import os
import time
import warnings
from uuid import uuid4

import modal
import requests

VLMs are generally larger than LLMs with the same cognitive capability. LLMs are already hard to run effectively on CPUs, so we’ll use a GPU here. We find that inference for a single input takes about 3-4 seconds on an A10G.

You can customize the GPU type and count using the GPU_TYPE and GPU_COUNT environment variables. If you want to see the model really rip, try an "a100-80gb" or an "h100" on a large batch.

GPU_TYPE = os.environ.get("GPU_TYPE", "a10g")
GPU_COUNT = os.environ.get("GPU_COUNT", 1)


SGL_LOG_LEVEL = "error"  # try "debug" or "info" if you have issues

MINUTES = 60  # seconds

We use a LLaVA-NeXT model built on top of Meta’s LLaMA 3 8B.

MODEL_PATH = "lmms-lab/llama3-llava-next-8b"
MODEL_REVISION = "e7e6a9fd5fd75d44b32987cba51c123338edbede"
TOKENIZER_PATH = "lmms-lab/llama3-llava-next-8b-tokenizer"
MODEL_CHAT_TEMPLATE = "llama-3-instruct"

We download it from the Hugging Face Hub using the Python function below.

def download_model_to_image():
    import transformers
    from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download

        ignore_patterns=["*.pt", "*.bin"],

    # otherwise, this happens on first inference

Modal runs Python functions on containers in the cloud. The environment those functions run in is defined by the container’s Image. The block of code below defines our example’s Image.

vlm_image = (
    .pip_install(  # add sglang and some Python dependencies
    .run_function(  # download the model by running a Python function
    .pip_install(  # add an optional extra that renders images in the terminal

Defining a Visual QA service

Running an inference service on Modal is as easy as writing inference in Python.

The code below adds a modal Cls to an App that runs the VLM.

We define a method generate that takes a URL for an image URL and a question about the image as inputs and returns the VLM’s answer.

By decorating it with @modal.web_endpoint, we expose it as an HTTP endpoint, so it can be accessed over the public internet from any client.

app = modal.App("example-sgl-vlm")

    timeout=20 * MINUTES,
    container_idle_timeout=20 * MINUTES,
class Model:
    @modal.enter()  # what should a container do after it starts but before it gets input?
    def start_runtime(self):
        """Starts an SGL runtime to execute inference."""
        import sglang as sgl

        self.runtime = sgl.Runtime(
            tp_size=GPU_COUNT,  # t_ensor p_arallel size, number of GPUs to split the model over
        self.runtime.endpoint.chat_template = (

    @modal.web_endpoint(method="POST", docs=True)
    def generate(self, request: dict):
        import sglang as sgl
        from term_image.image import from_file

        start = time.monotonic_ns()
        request_id = uuid4()
        print(f"Generating response to request {request_id}")

        image_url = request.get("image_url")
        if image_url is None:
            image_url = ""

        image_filename = image_url.split("/")[-1]
        image_path = f"/tmp/{uuid4()}-{image_filename}"
        response = requests.get(image_url)


        with open(image_path, "wb") as file:

        def image_qa(s, image_path, question):
            s += sgl.user(sgl.image(image_path) + question)
            s += sgl.assistant(sgl.gen("answer"))

        question = request.get("question")
        if question is None:
            question = "What is this?"

        state =
            image_path=image_path, question=question, max_new_tokens=128
        # show the question, image, and response in the terminal for demonstration purposes
            Colors.BOLD, Colors.GRAY, "Question: ", question, Colors.END, sep=""
        terminal_image = from_file(image_path)
        answer = state["answer"]
            f"Answer: {answer}",
            f"request {request_id} completed in {round((time.monotonic_ns() - start) / 1e9, 2)} seconds"

    @modal.exit()  # what should a container do before it shuts down?
    def shutdown_runtime(self):

Asking questions about images via POST

Now, we can send this Modal Function a POST request with an image and a question and get back an answer.

The code below will start up the inference service so that it can be run from the terminal as a one-off, like a local script would be, using modal run:

modal run

By default, we hit the endpoint twice to demonstrate how much faster the inference is once the server is running.

def main(image_url=None, question=None, twice=True):
    model = Model()

    response =
            "image_url": image_url,
            "question": question,
    assert response.ok, response.status_code

    if twice:
        # second response is faster, because the Function is already running
        response =
            json={"image_url": image_url, "question": question},
        assert response.ok, response.status_code


To set this up as a long-running, but serverless, service, we can deploy it to Modal:

modal deploy

And then send requests from anywhere. See the docs for details on the web_url of the function, which also appears in the terminal output when running modal deploy.

You can also find interactive documentation for the endpoint at the /docs route of the web endpoint URL.


The rest of the code in this example is just utility code.

warnings.filterwarnings(  # filter warning from the terminal image library
    message="It seems this process is not running within a terminal. Hence, some features will behave differently or be disabled.",

class Colors:
    """ANSI color codes"""

    GREEN = "\033[0;32m"
    BLUE = "\033[0;34m"
    GRAY = "\033[0;90m"
    BOLD = "\033[1m"
    END = "\033[0m"