
This changelog documents user-facing updates (features, enhancements, fixes, and deprecations) to the modal client library. Patch releases are made on every change.

The client library is still in pre-1.0 development, and sometimes breaking changes are necessary. We try to minimize them and publish deprecation warnings / migration guides in advance, typically providing a transition window of several months.

We appreciate your patience while we speedily work towards a stable release of the client.


0.63.87 (2024-07-24)

  • The _experimental_boost argument can now be removed. Boost is now enabled on all modal Functions.

0.63.77 (2024-07-18)

  • Setting _allow_background_volume_commits is no longer necessary and has been deprecated. Remove this argument in your decorators.

0.63.36 (2024-07-05)

  • Image layers defined with a method will now include the values of any class variables that are referenced within the method as part of the layer cache key. That means that the layer will rebuild when the class variables change or are overridden by a subclass.

0.63.22 (2024-07-01)

  • Fixed an error when running methods that was introduced in v0.63.19

0.63.20 (2024-07-01)

  • Fixed bug where self.method.local() would re-trigger lifecycle methods in classes

0.63.14 (2024-06-28)

  • Adds Cls.lookup() backwards compatibility with classes created by clients prior to v0.63.

Important: When updating (to >=v0.63) an app with a Modal class that’s accessed using Cls.lookup() - make sure to update the client of the app/service using Cls.lookup() first, and then update the app containing the class being looked up.

0.63.12 (2024-06-27)

  • Fixed a bug introduced in 0.63.0 that broke modal.Cls.with_options

0.63.10 (2024-06-26)

  • Adds warning about future deprecation of retries for generators. Retries are being deprecated as they can lead to nondetermistic generator behavior.

0.63.9 (2024-06-26)

  • Fixed a bug in Volume.copy_files() where some source paths may be ignored if passed as bytes.
  • Volume.read_file, Volume.read_file_into_fileobj, Volume.remove_file, and Volume.copy_files can no longer take both string or bytes for their paths. They now only accept str.

0.63.2 (2024-06-25)

  • Fixes issue with Cls.lookup not working (at all) after upgrading to v0.63.0. Note: this doesn’t fix the cross-version lookup incompatibility introduced in 0.63.0.

0.63.0 (2024-06-24)

  • Changes how containers are associated with methods of @app.cls()-decorated Modal “classes”.
  • keep_warm for classes is now an attribute of the @app.cls() decorator rather than individual methods.

Previously each @method and web endpoint of a class would get its own set of isolated containers and never run in the same container as other sibling methods. Starting in this version, all @methods and web endpoints will be part of the same container pool. Notably, this means all methods will scale up/down together, and options like keep_warm and concurrency_limit will affect the total number of containers for all methods in the class combined, rather than individually.

Version incompatibility warning: Older clients (below 0.63) can’t use classes deployed by new clients (0.63 and above), and vice versa. Apps or standalone clients using Cls.lookup(...) to invoke Modal classes need to be upgraded to version 0.63 at the same time as the deployed app that’s being called into.


0.62.236 (2024-06-21)

  • Added support for mounting Volume or CloudBucketMount storage in Image.run_function. Note that this is typically not necessary, as data downloaded during the Image build can be stored directly in the Image filesystem.

0.62.230 (2024-06-18)

  • It is now an error to create or lookup Modal objects (Volume, Dict, Secret, etc.) with an invalid name. Object names must be shorter than 64 characters and may contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, and underscores. The name check had inadvertently been removed for a brief time following an internal refactor and then reintroduced as a warning. It is once more a hard error. Please get in touch if this is blocking access to your data.

0.62.224 (2024-06-17)

  • The modal app list command now reports apps created by modal app run or modal app serve as being in an “ephemeral” state rather than a “running” state to reduce confusion with deployed apps that are actively processing inputs.

0.62.223 (2024-06-14)

  • All modal CLI commands now accept -e as a short-form of --env

0.62.220 (2024-06-12)

  • Added support for entrypoint and shell for custom containers: Image.debian_slim().entrypoint([]) can be used interchangeably with .dockerfile_commands('ENTRYPOINT []'), and .shell(["/bin/bash", "-c"]) can be used interchangeably with .dockerfile_commands('SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]')

0.62.219 (2024-06-12)

  • Fix an issue with @web_server decorator not working on image builder version 2023.12

0.62.208 (2024-06-08)

  • @web_server endpoints can now return HTTP headers of up to 64 KiB in length. Previously, they were limited to 8 KiB due to an implementation detail.

0.62.201 (2024-06-04)

  • modal deploy now accepts a --tag optional parameter that allows you to specify a custom tag for the deployed version, making it easier to identify and manage different deployments of your app.

0.62.199 (2024-06-04)

  • web_endpoints now have the option to include interactive SwaggerUI/redoc docs by setting docs=True
  • web_endpoints no longer include an OpenAPI JSON spec route by default

0.62.190 (2024-05-29)

  • modal.Function now supports requesting ephemeral disk (SSD) via the new ephemeral_disk parameter. Intended for use in doing large dataset ingestion and transform.

0.62.186 (2024-05-29)

  • modal.Volume background commits are now enabled by default when using spawn_sandbox.

0.62.185 (2024-05-28)

  • The modal app stop CLI command now accepts a --name (or -n) option to stop an App by name rather than by ID.

0.62.181 (2024-05-24)

  • Background committing on modal.Volume mounts is now default behavior.

0.62.178 (2024-05-21)

  • Added a modal container stop CLI command that will kill an active container and reassign its current inputs.

0.62.175 (2024-05-17)

  • modal.CloudBucketMount now supports writing to Google Cloud Storage buckets.

0.62.174 (2024-05-17)

  • Using memory= to specify the type of modal.gpu.A100 is deprecated in favor of size=. Note that size accepts a string type ("40GB" or "80GB") rather than an integer, as this is a request for a specific variant of the A100 GPU.

0.62.173 (2024-05-17)

  • Added a version flag to the modal.Volume API and CLI, allow opting in to a new backend implementation.

0.62.172 (2024-05-17)

  • Fixed a bug where other functions weren’t callable from within an asgi_app or wsgi_app constructor function and side effects of @enter methods weren’t available in that scope.

0.62.166 (2024-05-14)

  • Disabling background commits on modal.Volume volumes is now deprecated. Background commits will soon become mandatory behavior.

0.62.165 (2024-05-13)

  • Deprecated wait_for_response=False on web endpoints. See the docs for alternatives.

0.62.162 (2024-05-13)

  • A deprecation warning is now raised when using modal.Stub, which has been renamed to modal.App. Additionally, it is recommended to use app as the variable name rather than stub, which matters when using the automatic app discovery feature in the modal run CLI command.

0.62.159 (2024-05-10)

  • Added a --stream-logs flag to modal deploy that, if True, begins streaming the app logs once deployment is complete.

0.62.156 (2024-05-09)

  • Added support for looking up a deployed App by its deployment name in modal app logs

0.62.150 (2024-05-08)

  • Added validation that App name, if provided, is a string.

0.62.149 (2024-05-08)

  • The @app.function decorator now raises an error when it is used to decorate a class (this was always invalid, but previously produced confusing behavior).

0.62.148 (2024-05-08)

  • The modal app list output has been improved in several ways:
    • Persistent storage objects like Volumes or Dicts are no longer included (these objects receive an app ID internally, but this is an implementation detail and subject to future change). You can use the dedicated CLI for each object (e.g. modal volume list) instead.
    • For Apps in a stopped state, the output is now limited to those stopped within the past 2 hours.
    • The number of tasks running for each App is now shown.

0.62.146 (2024-05-07)

  • Added the region parameter to the modal.App.function and modal.App.cls decorators. This feature allows the selection of specific regions for function execution. Note that it is available only on some plan types. See our blog post for more details.

0.62.144 (2024-05-06)

  • Added deprecation warnings when using Python 3.8 locally or in a container. Python 3.8 is nearing EOL, and Modal will be dropping support for it soon.

0.62.141 (2024-05-03)

  • Deprecated the Image.conda constructor and the Image.conda_install / Image.conda_update_from_environment methods. Conda-based images had a number of tricky issues and were generally slower and heavier than images based on micromamba, which offers a similar featureset and can install packages from the same repositories.
  • Added the spec_file parameter to allow Image.micromamba_install to install dependencies from a local file. Note that micromamba supports conda yaml syntax along with simple text files.

0.62.131 (2024-05-01)

  • Added a deprecation warning when object names are invalid. This applies to Dict, NetworkFileSystem, Secret, Queue, and Volume objects. Names must be shorter than 64 characters and may contain only alphanumeric characters, dashes, periods, and underscores. These rules were previously enforced, but the check had inadvertently been dropped in a recent refactor. Please update the names of your objects and transfer any data to retain access, as invalid names will become an error in a future release.

0.62.130 (2024-05-01)

  • Added a command-line interface for interacting with modal.Queue objects. Run modal queue --help in your terminal to see what is available.

0.62.116 (2024-04-26)

  • Added a command-line interface for interacting with modal.Dict objects. Run modal dict --help in your terminal to see what is available.

0.62.114 (2024-04-25)

  • Secret.from_dotenv now accepts an optional filename keyword argument:

    def run():

0.62.110 (2024-04-25)

  • Passing a glob ** argument to the modal volume get CLI has been deprecated — instead, simply download the desired directory path, or / for the entire volume.
  • Volume.listdir() no longer takes trailing glob arguments. Use recursive=True instead.
  • modal volume get and modal nfs get performance is improved when downloading a single file. They also now work with multiple files when outputting to stdout.
  • Fixed a visual bug where modal volume get on a single file will incorrectly display the destination path.

0.62.109 (2024-04-24)

  • Improved feedback for deserialization failures when objects are being transferred between local / remote environments.

0.62.108 (2024-04-24)

  • Added Dict.delete and Queue.delete as API methods for deleting named storage objects:

    import modal
  • Deprecated invoking Volume.delete as an instance method; it should now be invoked as a static method with the name of the Volume to delete, as with the other methods.

0.62.98 (2024-04-21)

  • The modal.Dict object now implements a keys/values/items API. Note that there are a few differences when compared to standard Python dicts:
    • The return value is a simple iterator, whereas Python uses a dictionary view object with more features.
    • The results are unordered.
  • Additionally, there was no key data stored for items added to a modal.Dict prior to this release, so empty strings will be returned for these entries.

0.62.81 (2024-04-18)

  • We are introducing modal.App as a replacement for modal.Stub and encouraging the use of “app” terminology over “stub” to reduce confusion between concepts used in the SDK and the Dashboard. Support for modal.Stub will be gradually deprecated over the next few months.

0.62.72 (2024-04-16)

  • Specifying a hard memory limit for a modal.Function is now supported. Pass a tuple of memory=(request, limit). Above the limit, which is specified in MiB, a Function’s container will be OOM killed.

0.62.70 (2024-04-16)

  • modal.CloudBucketMount now supports read-only access to Google Cloud Storage

0.62.69 (2024-04-16)

  • Iterators passed to and similar parallel execution primitives are now executed on the main thread, preventing blocking iterators from possibly locking up background Modal API calls, and risking task shutdowns.

0.62.67 (2024-04-15)

  • The return type of Volume.listdir(), Volume.iterdir(), NetworkFileSystem.listdir(), and NetworkFileSystem.iterdir() is now a FileEntry dataclass from the modal.volume module. The fields of this data class are the same as the old protobuf object returned by these methods, so it should be mostly backwards-compatible.

0.62.65 (2024-04-15)

  • Cloudflare R2 bucket support added to modal.CloudBucketMount

0.62.55 (2024-04-11)

  • When Volume reloads fail due to an open file, we now try to identify and report the relevant path. Note that there may be some circumstances in which we are unable to identify the specific file blocking a reload and will report a generic error message in that case.

0.62.53 (2024-04-10)

  • Values in the modal.toml config file that are spelled as 0, false, "False", or "false" will now be coerced in Python toFalse, whereas previously only "0" (as a string) would have the intended effect.

0.62.25 (2024-04-01)

  • Fixed a recent regression that caused functions using modal.interact() to crash.

0.62.15 (2024-03-29)

  • Queue methods put, put_many, get, get_many and len now support an optional partition argument (must be specified as a kwarg). When specified, users read and write from new partitions of the queue independently. partition=None corresponds to the default partition of the queue.

0.62.3 (2024-03-27)

  • User can now mount S3 buckets using Requester Pays. This can be done with CloudBucketMount(..., requester_pays=True).

0.62.1 (2024-03-27)

  • Raise an error on @web_server(startup_timeout=0), which is an invalid configuration.

0.62.0 (2024-03-26)

  • The .new() method has now been deprecated on all Modal objects. It should typically be replaced with .from_name(...) in Modal app code, or .ephemeral() in scripts that use Modal
  • Assignment of Modal objects to a Stub via subscription (stub["object"]) or attribute (stub.object) syntax is now deprecated. This syntax was only necessary when using .new().


0.61.104 (2024-03-25)

  • Fixed a bug where images based on micromamba could fail to build if requesting Python 3.12 when a different version of Python was being used locally.

0.61.76 (2024-03-19)

  • The Sandbox’s LogsReader is now an asynchronous iterable. It supports the async for statement to stream data from the sandbox’s stdout/stderr.
async def my_fn():
    sandbox = stub.spawn_sandbox(
      "while true; do echo foo; sleep 1; done"
    async for message in sandbox.stdout:
        print(f"Message: {message}")

0.61.57 (2024-03-15)

  • Add the @web_server decorator, which exposes a server listening on a container port as a web endpoint.

0.61.56 (2024-03-15)

  • Allow users to write to the Sandbox’s stdin with StreamWriter.
def my_fn():
    sandbox = stub.spawn_sandbox(
        "while read line; do echo $line; done",

0.61.53 (2024-03-15)

  • Fixed an bug whereMount was failing to include symbolic links.

0.61.45 (2024-03-13)

When called from within a container, modal.experimental.stop_fetching_inputs() causes it to gracefully exit after the current input has been processed.

0.61.35 (2024-03-12)

  • The @wsgi_app() decorator now uses a different backend based on a2wsgi that streams requests in chunks, rather than buffering the entire request body.

0.61.32 (2024-03-11)

  • Stubs/apps can now be “composed” from several smaller stubs using stub.include(...). This allows more ergonomic setup of multi-file Modal apps.

0.61.31 (2024-03-08)

  • The Image.extend method has been deprecated. This is a low-level interface and can be replaced by other Image methods that offer more flexibility, such as Image.from_dockerfile, Image.dockerfile_commands, or Image.run_commands.

0.61.24 (2024-03-06)

  • Fixes modal volume put to support uploading larger files, beyond 40 GiB.

0.61.22 (2024-03-05)

  • Modal containers now display a warning message if lingering threads are present at container exit, which prevents runner shutdown.

0.61.17 (2024-03-05)

  • Bug fix: Stopping an app while a container’s @exit() lifecycle methods are being run no longer interrupts the lifecycle methods.
  • Bug fix: Worker preemptions no longer interrupt a container’s @exit() lifecycle method (until 30 seconds later).
  • Bug fix: Async @exit() lifecycle methods are no longer skipped for sync functions.
  • Bug fix: Stopping a sync function with allow_concurrent_inputs>1 now actually stops the container. Previously, it would not propagate the signal to worker threads, so they would continue running.
  • Bug fix: Input-level cancellation no longer skips the @exit() lifecycle method.
  • Improve stability of container entrypoint against race conditions in task cancellation.

0.61.9 (2024-03-05)

  • Fix issue with pdm where all installed packages would be automounted when using package cache (MOD-2485)

0.61.6 (2024-03-04)

  • For modal functions/classes with concurrency_limit < keep_warm, we’ll raise an exception now. Previously we (silently) respected the concurrency_limit parameter.

0.61.1 (2024-03-03)

modal run --interactive or modal run -i run the app in “interactive mode”. This allows any remote code to connect to the user’s local terminal by calling modal.interact().

def my_fn(x):

    x = input()
    print(f"Your number is {x}")

This means that you can dynamically start an IPython shell if desired for debugging:

def my_fn(x):

    from IPython import embed

For convenience, breakpoints automatically call interact():

def my_fn(x):


0.60.0 (2024-02-29)

  • Image.run_function now allows you to pass args and kwargs to the function. Usage:
def my_build_function(name, size, *, variant=None):
    print(f"Building {name} {size} {variant}")

image = modal.Image.debian_slim().run_function(
    my_build_function, args=("foo", 10), kwargs={"variant": "bar"}


0.59.0 (2024-02-28)

  • Mounted packages are now deduplicated across functions in the same stub
  • Mounting of local Python packages are now marked as such in the mount creation output, e.g. PythonPackage:my_package
  • Automatic mounting now includes packages outside of the function file’s own directory. Mounted packages are mounted in /root/


0.58.92 (2024-02-27)

  • Most errors raised through usage of the CLI will now print a simple error message rather than showing a traceback from inside the modal library.
  • Tracebacks originating from user code will include fewer frames from within modal itself.
  • The new MODAL_TRACEBACK environment variable (and traceback field in the Modal config file) can override these behaviors so that full tracebacks are always shown.

0.58.90 (2024-02-27)

  • Fixed a bug that could cause cls-based functions to to ignore timeout signals.

0.58.88 (2024-02-26)

  • volume get performance is improved for large (> 100MB) files

0.58.79 (2024-02-23)

  • Support for function parameters in methods decorated with @exit has been deprecated. Previously, exit methods were required to accept three arguments containing exception information (akin to __exit__ in the context manager protocol). However, due to a bug, these arguments were always null. Going forward, @exit methods are expected to have no parameters.

0.58.75 (2024-02-23)

  • Function calls can now be cancelled without killing the container running the inputs. This allows new inputs by different function calls to the same function to be picked up immediately without having to cold-start new containers after cancelling calls.


0.57.62 (2024-02-21)

  • An InvalidError is now raised when a lifecycle decorator (@build, @enter, or @exit) is used in conjunction with @method. Previously, this was undefined and could produce confusing failures.

0.57.61 (2024-02-21)

  • Reduced the amount of context for frames in modal’s CLI framework when showing a traceback.

0.57.60 (2024-02-21)

  • The “dunder method” approach for class lifecycle management (__build__, __enter__, __exit__, etc.) is now deprecated in favor of the modal @build, @enter, and @exit decorators.

0.57.52 (2024-02-17)

  • In modal token new and modal token set, the --no-no-verify flag has been removed in favor of a --verify flag. This remains the default behavior.

0.57.51 (2024-02-17)

  • Fixes a regression from 0.57.40 where @enter methods used a separate event loop.

0.57.42 (2024-02-14)

  • Adds a new environment variable/config setting, MODAL_FORCE_BUILD/force_build, that coerces all images to be built from scratch, rather than loaded from cache.

0.57.40 (2024-02-13)

  • The @enter() lifecycle method can now be used to run additional setup code prior to function checkpointing (when the class is decorated with stub.cls(enable_checkpointing=True). Note that there are currently some limitations on function checkpointing:
    • Checkpointing only works for CPU memory; any GPUs attached to the function will not available
    • Networking is disabled while the checkpoint is being created
  • Please note that function checkpointing is still a beta feature.

0.57.31 (2024-02-12)

  • Fixed an issue with displaying deprecation warnings on Windows systems.

0.57.22 (2024-02-09)

  • Modal client deprecation warnings are now highlighted in the CLI

0.57.16 (2024-02-07)

  • Fixes a regression in container scheduling. Users on affected versions ( are encouraged to upgrade immediately.

0.57.15 (2024-02-07)

  • The legacy image_python_version config option has been removed. Use the python_version= parameter on your image definition instead.

0.57.13 (2024-02-07)

  • Adds support for mounting an S3 bucket as a volume.

0.57.9 (2024-02-07)

  • Support for an implicit ‘default’ profile is now deprecated. If you have more than one profile in your Modal config file, one must be explicitly set to active (use modal profile activate or edit your .modal.toml file to resolve).
  • An error is now raised when more than one profile is set to active.

0.57.2 (2024-02-06)

  • Improve error message when generator functions are called with .map(...).

0.57.0 (2024-02-06)

  • Greatly improved streaming performance of generators and WebSocket web endpoints.
  • Breaking change: You cannot use .map() to call a generator function. (In previous versions, this merged the results onto a single stream, but the behavior was undocumented and not widely used.)
  • Incompatibility: Generator outputs are now on a different internal system. Modal code on client versions before 0.57 cannot trigger deployed functions with .remote_gen() that are on client version 0.57, and vice versa.


Note that in version 0.56 and prior, Modal used a different numbering system for patch releases.

0.56.4964 (2024-02-05)

  • When using modal token new or model token set, the profile containing the new token will now be activated by default. Use the --no-activate switch to update the modal.toml file without activating the corresponding profile.

0.56.4953 (2024-02-05)

  • The modal profile list output now indicates when the workspace is determined by a token stored in environment variables.

0.56.4952 (2024-02-05)

  • Variadic parameters (e.g. *args and **kwargs) can now be used in scheduled functions as long as the function doesn’t have any other parameters without a default value

0.56.4903 (2024-02-01)

  • modal container exec’s --no-tty flag has been renamed to --no-pty.

0.56.4902 (2024-02-01)

  • The singular form of the secret parameter in Stub.function, Stub.cls, and Image.run_function has been deprecated. Please update your code to use the plural form instead:secrets=[Secret(...)].

0.56.4885 (2024-02-01)

  • In modal profile list, the user’s GitHub username is now shown as the name for the “Personal” workspace.

0.56.4874 (2024-01-31)

  • The modal token new and modal token set commands now create profiles that are more closely associated with workspaces, and they have more explicit profile activation behavior:
    • By default, these commands will create/update a profile named after the workspace that the token points to, rather than a profile named “default”
    • Both commands now have an --activate flag that will activate the profile associated with the new token
    • If no other profiles exist at the time of creation, the new profile will have its active metadata set to True
  • With these changes, we are moving away from the concept of a “default” profile. Implicit usage of the “default” profile will be deprecated in a future update.

0.56.4849 (2024-01-29)

  • Adds tty support to modal container exec for fully-interactive commands. Example: modal container exec [container-id] /bin/bash

0.56.4792 (2024-01-26)

  • The modal profile list command now shows the workspace associated with each profile.

0.56.4715 (2024-01-24)

  • Mount.from_local_python_packages now places mounted packages at /root in the Modal runtime by default (used to be /pkg). To override this behavior, the function now takes a remote_dir: Union[str, PurePosixPath] argument.

0.56.4707 (2024-01-23)

  • The Modal client library is now compatible with Python 3.12, although there are a few limitations:

    • Images that use Python 3.12 without explicitly specifing it through python_version or add_python will not build properly unless the modal client is also running on Python 3.12.
    • The conda and microconda base images currently do not support Python 3.12 because an upstream dependency is not yet compatible.

0.56.4700 (2024-01-22)

  • gpu.A100 class now supports specifying GiB memory configuration using a size: str parameter. The memory: int parameter is deprecated.

0.56.4693 (2024-01-22)

  • You can now execute commands in running containers with modal container exec [container-id] [command].

0.56.4691 (2024-01-22)

  • The modal cli now works more like the python cli in regard to script/module loading:
    • Running modal my_dir/ now puts my_dir on the PYTHONPATH.
    • modal my_package.my_module will now mount to /root/my_package/ in your Modal container, regardless if using automounting or not (and any intermediary files will also be mounted)

0.56.4687 (2024-01-20)

  • Modal now uses the current profile if MODAL_PROFILE is set to the empty string.

0.56.4649 (2024-01-17)

  • Dropped support for building Python 3.7 based modal.Images. Python 3.7 is end-of-life since late June 2023.

0.56.4620 (2024-01-16)

  • modal.Stub.function now takes a block_network argument.

0.56.4616 (2024-01-16)

  • modal.Stub now takes a volumes argument for setting the default volumes of all the stub’s functions, similarly to the mounts and secrets argument.

0.56.4590 (2024-01-13)

  • modal serve: Setting MODAL_LOGLEVEL=DEBUG now displays which files cause an app reload during serve

0.56.4570 (2024-01-12)

  • modal run cli command now properly propagates --env values to object lookups in global scope of user code