

class Queue(modal.object.Object)

Distributed, FIFO queue for data flow in Modal apps.

The queue can contain any object serializable by cloudpickle, including Modal objects.

By default, the Queue object acts as a single FIFO queue which supports puts and gets (blocking and non-blocking).


from modal import Queue

# Create an ephemeral queue which is anonymous and garbage collected
with Queue.ephemeral() as my_queue:
    # Putting values
    my_queue.put("some value")

    # Getting values
    assert my_queue.get() == "some value"
    assert my_queue.get() == 123

    # Using partitions
    my_queue.put(1, partition="foo")
    my_queue.put(2, partition="bar")

    # Default and "foo" partition are ignored by the get operation.
    assert my_queue.get(partition="bar") == 2

    # Set custom 10s expiration time on "foo" partition.
    my_queue.put(3, partition="foo", partition_ttl=10)

    # (beta feature) Iterate through items in place (read immutably)
    assert [v for v in my_queue.iterate()] == [0, 1]

# You can also create persistent queues that can be used across apps
queue = Queue.from_name("my-persisted-queue", create_if_missing=True)
assert queue.get() == 42

For more examples, see the guide.

Queue partitions (beta)

Specifying partition keys gives access to other independent FIFO partitions within the same Queue object. Across any two partitions, puts and gets are completely independent. For example, a put in one partition does not affect a get in any other partition.

When no partition key is specified (by default), puts and gets will operate on a default partition. This default partition is also isolated from all other partitions. Please see the Usage section below for an example using partitions.

Lifetime of a queue and its partitions

By default, each partition is cleared 24 hours after the last put operation. A lower TTL can be specified by the partition_ttl argument in the put or put_many methods. Each partition’s expiry is handled independently.

As such, Queues are best used for communication between active functions and not relied on for persistent storage.

On app completion or after stopping an app any associated Queue objects are cleaned up. All its partitions will be cleared.


A single Queue can contain up to 100,000 partitions, each with up to 5,000 items. Each item can be up to 256 KiB.

Partition keys must be non-empty and must not exceed 64 bytes.


def validate_partition_key(partition: Optional[str]) -> bytes:


def ephemeral(
    cls: type["_Queue"],
    client: Optional[_Client] = None,
    environment_name: Optional[str] = None,
    _heartbeat_sleep: float = EPHEMERAL_OBJECT_HEARTBEAT_SLEEP,
) -> Iterator["_Queue"]:

Creates a new ephemeral queue within a context manager:


from modal import Queue

with Queue.ephemeral() as q:
async with Queue.ephemeral() as q:
    await q.put.aio(123)


@renamed_parameter((2024, 12, 18), "label", "name")
def from_name(
    name: str,
    environment_name: Optional[str] = None,
    create_if_missing: bool = False,
) -> "_Queue":

Reference a named Queue, creating if necessary.

In contrast to modal.Queue.lookup, this is a lazy method the defers hydrating the local object with metadata from Modal servers until the first time it is actually used.

q = modal.Queue.from_name("my-queue", create_if_missing=True)


@renamed_parameter((2024, 12, 18), "label", "name")
def lookup(
    name: str,
    client: Optional[_Client] = None,
    environment_name: Optional[str] = None,
    create_if_missing: bool = False,
) -> "_Queue":

Lookup a named Queue.

In contrast to modal.Queue.from_name, this is an eager method that will hydrate the local object with metadata from Modal servers.

q = modal.Queue.lookup("my-queue")


@renamed_parameter((2024, 12, 18), "label", "name")
def delete(name: str, *, client: Optional[_Client] = None, environment_name: Optional[str] = None):


def clear(self, *, partition: Optional[str] = None, all: bool = False) -> None:

Clear the contents of a single partition or all partitions.


def get(
    self, block: bool = True, timeout: Optional[float] = None, *, partition: Optional[str] = None
) -> Optional[Any]:

Remove and return the next object in the queue.

If block is True (the default) and the queue is empty, get will wait indefinitely for an object, or until timeout if specified. Raises a native queue.Empty exception if the timeout is reached.

If block is False, get returns None immediately if the queue is empty. The timeout is ignored in this case.


def get_many(
    self, n_values: int, block: bool = True, timeout: Optional[float] = None, *, partition: Optional[str] = None
) -> list[Any]:

Remove and return up to n_values objects from the queue.

If there are fewer than n_values items in the queue, return all of them.

If block is True (the default) and the queue is empty, get will wait indefinitely for at least 1 object to be present, or until timeout if specified. Raises the stdlib’s queue.Empty exception if the timeout is reached.

If block is False, get returns None immediately if the queue is empty. The timeout is ignored in this case.


def put(
    v: Any,
    block: bool = True,
    timeout: Optional[float] = None,
    partition: Optional[str] = None,
    partition_ttl: int = 24 * 3600,  # After 24 hours of no activity, this partition will be deletd.
) -> None:

Add an object to the end of the queue.

If block is True and the queue is full, this method will retry indefinitely or until timeout if specified. Raises the stdlib’s queue.Full exception if the timeout is reached. If blocking it is not recommended to omit the timeout, as the operation could wait indefinitely.

If block is False, this method raises queue.Full immediately if the queue is full. The timeout is ignored in this case.


def put_many(
    vs: list[Any],
    block: bool = True,
    timeout: Optional[float] = None,
    partition: Optional[str] = None,
    partition_ttl: int = 24 * 3600,  # After 24 hours of no activity, this partition will be deletd.
) -> None:

Add several objects to the end of the queue.

If block is True and the queue is full, this method will retry indefinitely or until timeout if specified. Raises the stdlib’s queue.Full exception if the timeout is reached. If blocking it is not recommended to omit the timeout, as the operation could wait indefinitely.

If block is False, this method raises queue.Full immediately if the queue is full. The timeout is ignored in this case.


def len(self, *, partition: Optional[str] = None, total: bool = False) -> int:

Return the number of objects in the queue partition.


def iterate(
    self, *, partition: Optional[str] = None, item_poll_timeout: float = 0.0
) -> AsyncGenerator[Any, None]:

(Beta feature) Iterate through items in the queue without mutation.

Specify item_poll_timeout to control how long the iterator should wait for the next time before giving up.