Dicts and queues
Modal provides a variety of distributed objects to enable seamless interactivity and data transfer across different components of a distributed system. Two key objects are dicts and queues, both of which serve specific roles in facilitating communication and data management in your applications.
Modal Dicts
A Dict in Modal provides distributed key-value storage. Much like a standard Python dictionary, it lets you store and retrieve values using keys. However, unlike a regular dictionary, a dict in Modal is shared across all containers of an application and can be accessed and manipulated concurrently from any of them.
import modal
app = modal.App()
# Create a persisted dict - the data gets retained between app runs
my_dict = modal.Dict.from_name("my-persisted-dict", create_if_missing=True)
def main():
my_dict["key"] = "value" # setting a value
value = my_dict["key"] # getting a value
Dicts in Modal are persisted, which means that the data in the dictionary is stored and can be retrieved later, even after the application is redeployed. They can also be accessed from other Modal functions.
You can store Python values of any type within Dicts, since they’re serialized using cloudpickle.
Currently, the overall size of a Dict is limited to 10 GiB. However, we intend to lower this limit as Dicts are not intended for caching large datasets. There is no per-object size limit, but the maximum number of entries per update request is 10,000.
Modal Queues
A Queue in Modal is a distributed queue-like object. It allows you to add and retrieve items in a first-in-first-out (FIFO) manner. Queues are particularly useful when you want to handle tasks or process data asynchronously, or when you need to pass messages between different components of your distributed system.
import modal
app = modal.App()
my_queue = modal.Queue.from_name("my-persisted-queue", create_if_missing=True)
def main():
my_queue.put("some object") # adding a value
value = my_queue.get() # retrieving a value
Similar to Dicts, Queues are also persisted and support values of any type.
Queue partitions
Queues are split into separate FIFO partitions via a string key. By default, one partition (corresponding to an empty key) is used.
A single Queue
can contain up to 100,000 partitions, each with up to 5,000
items. Each item can be up to 256 KiB. These limits also apply to the default
import modal
app = modal.App()
my_queue = modal.Queue.from_name("my-persisted-queue", create_if_missing=True)
def main():
my_queue.put("some value")
assert my_queue.get() == "some value"
assert my_queue.get() == 123
my_queue.put(1, partition_key="foo")
my_queue.put(2, partition_key="bar")
# Default and "foo" partition are ignored by the get operation.
assert my_queue.get(partition_key="bar") == 2
# Set custom 10s expiration time on "foo" partition.
my_queue.put(3, partition_key="foo", partition_ttl=10)
# (beta feature) Iterate through items in place (read immutably)
assert [v for v in my_queue.iterate()] == [0, 1]
By default, each partition is cleared 24 hours after the last put
operation. A
lower TTL can be specified by the partition_ttl
argument in the put
methods. Each partition’s expiry is handled independently.
As such, Queue
s are best used for communication between active functions and
not relied on for persistent storage.
Asynchronous calls
Both Dicts and Queues are synchronous by default, but they support asynchronous
interaction with the .aio
function suffix.
async def main():
await my_queue.put.aio(100)
assert await my_queue.get.aio() == 100
await my_dict.put.aio("hello", 400)
assert await my_dict.get.aio("hello") == 400
Note that .put
and .get
are aliases for the overloaded indexing operators on
Dicts, and you need them name for asynchronous calls.
Please see the docs on asynchronous functions for more information.
Example: Dict and Queue Interaction
To illustrate how dicts and queues can interact together in a simple distributed system, consider the following example program that crawls the web, starting from wikipedia.org and traversing links to many sites in breadth-first order. The Queue stores pages to crawl, while the Dict is used as a kill switch to stop execution of tasks immediately upon completion.
import queue
import sys
from datetime import datetime
import modal
app = modal.App(image=modal.Image.debian_slim().pip_install("requests", "beautifulsoup4"))
def extract_links(url: str) -> list[str]:
"""Extract links from a given URL."""
import requests
import urllib.parse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
resp = requests.get(url, timeout=10)
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.text, "html.parser")
links = []
for link in soup.find_all("a"):
links.append(urllib.parse.urljoin(url, link.get("href")))
return links
def crawl_pages(q: modal.Queue, d: modal.Dict, urls: set[str]) -> None:
for url in urls:
if "stop" in d:
s = datetime.now()
links = extract_links(url)
print(f"Crawled: {url} in {datetime.now() - s}, with {len(links)} links")
except Exception as exc:
print(f"Failed to crawl: {url} with error {exc}, skipping...", file=sys.stderr)
def scrape(url: str):
start_time = datetime.now()
# Create ephemeral dicts and queues
with modal.Dict.ephemeral() as d, modal.Queue.ephemeral() as q:
# The dict is used to signal the scraping to stop
# The queue contains the URLs that have been crawled
# Initialize queue with a starting URL
# Crawl until the queue is empty, or reaching some number of URLs
visited = set()
max_urls = 50000
while True:
next_urls = q.get_many(2000, timeout=5)
except queue.Empty:
new_urls = set(next_urls) - visited
visited |= new_urls
if len(visited) < max_urls:
crawl_pages.spawn(q, d, new_urls)
d["stop"] = True
elapsed = (datetime.now() - start_time).total_seconds()
print(f"Crawled {len(visited)} URLs in {elapsed:.2f} seconds")
def main():
Starting from Wikipedia, this spawns several dozen containers (auto-scaled on demand) to crawl over 200,000 URLs in 40 seconds.
Data durability
Dict and Queue objects are backed by an in-memory database, and thus are not resilient to database server restarts. Queues and Dicts are also subject to expiration, as described by the modal.Dict and modal.Queue reference pages.
Please get in touch if you need durability for Dict or Queue objects.