Private registries

Modal provides the Image.from_registry function, which can pull public images available from registries such as Docker Hub and GitHub Container Registry, as well as private images from registries such as AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR), GCP Artifact Registry, and Docker Hub.

Docker Hub (Private)

To pull container images from private Docker Hub repositories, create an access token with “Read-Only” permissions and use this token value and your Docker Hub username to create a Modal Secret.


Use this Secret with the modal.Image.from_registry method.

Elastic Container Registry (ECR)

You can pull images from your AWS ECR account by specifying the full image URI as follows:

import modal

aws_secret = modal.Secret.from_name("my-aws-secret")
image = (
    .pip_install("torch", "huggingface")

app = modal.App(image=image)

As shown above, you also need to use a Modal Secret containing the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_REGION. The AWS IAM user account associated with those keys must have access to the private registry you want to access.

The user needs to have the following read-only policies:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": ["ecr:GetAuthorizationToken"],
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": "*"
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "<MY-REGISTRY-ARN>"

You can use the IAM configuration above as a template for creating an IAM user. You can then generate an access key and create a Modal Secret using the AWS integration option. Modal will use your access keys to generate an ephemeral ECR token. That token is only used to pull image layers at the time a new image is built. We don’t store this token but will cache the image once it has been pulled.

Images on ECR must be private and follow image configuration requirements.

Google Artifact Registry and Google Container Registry

For further detail on how to pull images from Google’s image registries, see modal.Image.from_gcp_artifact_registry.