Container lifecycle hooks

Since Modal reuses the same container for multiple inputs, sometimes you might want to run some code exactly once when the container starts or exits.

To accomplish this, you need to use Modal’s class syntax and the @app.cls decorator. Specifically, you’ll need to:

  1. Convert your function to a method by making it a member of a class.
  2. Decorate the class with @app.cls(...) with same arguments you previously had for
  3. Instead of the @app.function decorator on the original method, use @method or the appropriate decorator for a web endpoint.
  4. Add the correct method “hooks” to your class based on your need:
    • @enter for one-time initialization (remote)
    • @exit for one-time cleanup (remote)
    • @build to run the function during image build and snapshot the results


The container entry handler is called when a new container is started. This is useful for doing one-time initialization, such as loading model weights or importing packages that are only present in that image.

To use, make your function a member of a class, and apply the @enter() decorator to one or more class methods:

import modal

app = modal.App()

class Model:
    def run_this_on_container_startup(self):
        self.model = pickle.load(open("model.pickle"))

    def predict(self, x):
        return self.model.predict(x)

def main():

When working with an asynchronous Modal app, you may use an async method instead:

import modal

app = modal.App()

class Processor:
    async def my_enter_method(self):
        self.cache = await load_cache()

    async def run(self, x):
        return await do_some_async_stuff(x, self.cache)

async def main():
    await Processor().run.remote(x)

Note: The @enter() decorator replaces the earlier __enter__ syntax, which has been deprecated.


The container exit handler is called when a container is about to exit. It is useful for doing one-time cleanup, such as closing a database connection or saving intermediate results. To use, make your function a member of a class, and apply the @exit() decorator:

import modal

app = modal.App()

class ETLPipeline:
    def open_connection(self):
        import psycopg2
        self.connection = psycopg2.connect(os.environ["DATABASE_URI"])

    def run(self):
        # Run some queries

    def close_connection(self):

def main():

Note that the exit handler is given a grace period of 30 seconds to exit, and it will be killed if it takes longer than that to complete.

Note: The @exit() decorator replaces the earlier __exit__ syntax, which has been deprecated. Like __exit__, the method decorated by @exit previously needed to accept arguments containing exception information, but this is no longer supported.


The @build() decorator lets us define code that runs as a part of building the container image. This might be useful for downloading model weights and storing it as a part of the image:

import modal

app = modal.App()

class Model:
    def download_model(self):

    def load_model(self):

    def predict(self, x):

The @build and @enter decorators can be stacked. This can be useful with tools like tranformers which lets you download model weights over the network but caches the weights locally. By making the initialization method run during image build, we make sure the model weights are cached in the image, which makes containers start faster.

import modal

app = modal.App()

class Model:
    def load_model(self):

    def predict(self, x):

Lifecycle hooks for web endpoints

Modal @functions that are web endpoints can be converted to the class syntax as well. Instead of @modal.method, simply use whichever of the web endpoint decorators (@modal.web_endpoint, @modal.asgi_app or @modal.wsgi_app) you were using before.

from fastapi import Request

import modal

app = modal.App("web-endpoint-cls")

class Model:
    def run_this_on_container_startup(self):
        self.model = pickle.load(open("model.pickle"))

    def predict(self, request: Request):