Web endpoint URLs

This guide documents the behavior of URLs for web endpoints on Modal: automatic generation, configuration, programmatic retrieval, and more.

Determine the URL of a web endpoint from code

Modal Functions with the fastapi_endpoint, asgi_app, wsgi_app, or web_server decorator are made available over the Internet when they are served or deployed and so they have a URL.

This URL is displayed in the modal CLI output and is available in the Modal dashboard for the Function.

To determine a Function’s URL programmatically, check its web_url property:

def show_url() -> str:
    return show_url.web_url

For deployed Functions, this also works from other Python code! You just need to do a lookup based on the name of the Function and its App:

import requests

handle = modal.Function.from_name("app", "show_url")
handle.web_url == requests.get(handle.web_url).json()

Auto-generated URLs

By default, Modal Functions will be served from the modal.run domain. The full URL will be constructed from a number of pieces of information to uniquely identify the endpoint.

At a high-level, web endpoint URLs for deployed applications have the following structure: https://<source>--<label>.modal.run.

The source component represents the workspace and environment where the App is deployed. If your workspace has only a single environment, the source will just be the workspace name. Multiple environments are disambiguated by an “environment suffix”, so the full source would be <workspace>-<suffix>. However, one environment per workspace is allowed to have a null suffix, in which case the source would just be <workspace>.

The label component represents the specific App and Function that the endpoint routes to. By default, these are concatenated with a hyphen, so the label would be <app>-<function>.

These components are normalized to contain only lowercase letters, numerals, and dashes.

To put this all together, consider the following example. If a member of the ECorp workspace uses the main environment (which has prod as its web suffix) to deploy the text_to_speech app with a webhook for the flask-app function, the URL will have the following components:

  • Source:
    • Workspace name slug: ECorpecorp
    • Environment web suffix slug: mainprod
  • Label:
    • App name slug: text_to_speechtext-to-speech
    • Function name slug: flask_appflask-app

The full URL will be https://ecorp-prod--text-to-speech-flask-app.modal.run.

User-specified labels

It’s also possible to customize the label used for each Function by passing a parameter to the relevant endpoint decorator:

import modal

image = modal.Image.debian_slim().pip_install("fastapi")
app = modal.App(name="text_to_speech", image=image)

def web_endpoint_handler():

Building on the example above, this code would produce the following URL: https://ecorp-prod--speechify.modal.run.

User-specified labels are not automatically normalized, but labels with invalid characters will be rejected.

Ephemeral apps

To support development workflows, webhooks for ephemeral apps (i.e., apps created with modal serve) will have a -dev suffix appended to their URL label (regardless of whether the label is auto-generated or user-specified). This prevents development work from interfering with deployed versions of the same app.

If an ephemeral app is serving a webhook while another ephemeral webhook is created seeking the same web endpoint label, the new function will steal the running webhook’s label.

This ensures that the latest iteration of the ephemeral function is serving requests and that older ones stop receiving web traffic.


If a generated subdomain label is longer than 63 characters, it will be truncated.

For example, the following subdomain label is too long, 67 characters: ecorp--text-to-speech-really-really-realllly-long-function-name-dev.

The truncation happens by calculating a SHA-256 hash of the overlong label, then taking the first 6 characters of this hash. The overlong subdomain label is truncated to 56 characters, and then joined by a dash to the hash prefix. In the above example, the resulting URL would be ecorp--text-to-speech-really-really-rea-1b964b-dev.modal.run.

The combination of the label hashing and truncation provides a unique list of 63 characters, complying with both DNS system limits and uniqueness requirements.

Custom domains

Custom domains are available on our Team and Enterprise plans.

For more customization, you can use your own domain names with Modal web endpoints. If your plan supports custom domains, visit the Domains tab in your workspace settings to add a domain name to your workspace.

You can use three kinds of domains with Modal:

  • Apex: root domain names like example.com
  • Subdomain: single subdomain entries such as my-app.example.com, api.example.com, etc.
  • Wildcard domain: either in a subdomain like *.example.com, or in a deeper level like *.modal.example.com

You’ll be asked to update your domain DNS records with your domain name registrar and then validate the configuration in Modal. Once the records have been properly updated and propagated, your custom domain will be ready to use.

You can assign any Modal web endpoint to any registered domain in your workspace with the custom_domains argument.

import modal

app = modal.App("custom-domains-example")

def hello(message: str):
    return {"message": f"hello {message}"}

You can then run modal deploy to put your web endpoint online, live.

$ curl -s https://api.example.com?message=world
{"message": "hello world"}

Note that Modal automatically generates and renews TLS certificates for your custom domains. Since we do this when your domain is first accessed, there may be an additional 1-2s latency on the first request. Additional requests use a cached certificate.

You can also register multiple domain names and associate them with the same web endpoint.

import modal

app = modal.App("custom-domains-example-2")

@modal.fastapi_endpoint(custom_domains=["api.example.com", "api.example.net"])
def hello(message: str):
    return {"message": f"hello {message}"}

For Wildcard domains, Modal will automatically resolve arbitrary custom endpoints (and issue TLS certificates). For example, if you add the wildcard domain *.example.com, then you can create any custom domains under example.com:

import random
import modal

app = modal.App("custom-domains-example-2")

random_domain_name = random.choice(range(10))

def hello(message: str):
    return {"message": f"hello {message}"}

Custom domains can also be used with ASGI or WSGI apps using the same custom_domains argument.