Dynamic batching (beta)

Modal’s @batched feature allows you to accumulate requests and process them in dynamically-sized batches, rather than one-by-one.

Batching increases throughput at a potential cost to latency. Batched requests can share resources and reuse work, reducing the time and cost per request. Batching is particularly useful for GPU-accelerated machine learning workloads, as GPUs are designed to maximize throughput and are frequently bottlenecked on shareable resources, like weights stored in memory.

Static batching can lead to unbounded latency, as the function waits for a fixed number of requests to arrive. Modal’s dynamic batching waits for the lesser of a fixed time or a fixed number of requests before executing, maximizing the throughput benefit of batching while minimizing the latency penalty.

Enable dynamic batching with @batched

To enable dynamic batching, apply the @modal.batched decorator to the target Python function. Then, wrap it in @app.function() and run it on Modal, and the inputs will be accumulated and processed in batches.

Here’s what that looks like:

import modal

app = modal.App()

@modal.batched(max_batch_size=2, wait_ms=1000)
async def batch_add(xs: list[int], ys: list[int]) -> list[int]:
    return [x + y for x, y in zip(xs, ys)]

When you invoke a function decorated with @batched, you invoke it asynchronously on individual inputs. Outputs are returned where they were invoked.

For instance, the code below invokes the decorated batch_add function above three times, but batch_add only executes twice:

async def main():
    inputs = [(1, 300), (2, 200), (3, 100)]
    async for result in batch_add.starmap.aio(inputs):
        print(f"Sum: {result}")
        # Sum: 301
        # Sum: 202
        # Sum: 103

The first time it is executed with xs batched to [1, 2] and ys batched to [300, 200]. After about a one second delay, it is executed with xs batched to [3] and ys batched to [100]. The result is an iterator that yields 301, 202, and 101.

Use @batched with functions that take and return lists

For a Python function to be compatible with @modal.batched, it must adhere to the following rules:

  • The inputs to the function must be lists. In the example above, we pass xs and ys, which are both lists of ints.
  • The function must return a list. In the example above, the function returns a list of sums.
  • The lengths of all the input lists and the output list must be the same. In the example above, if L == len(xs) == len(ys), then L == len(batch_add(xs, ys)).

Methods on Modal Clses also support dynamic batching.

import modal

app = modal.App()

class BatchedClass():
    @modal.batched(max_batch_size=2, wait_ms=1000)
    async def batch_add(self, xs: list[int], ys: list[int]) -> list[int]:
        return [x + y for x, y in zip(xs, ys)]

One additional rule applies to classes with Batched Methods:

  • If a class has a Batched Method, it cannot have other Batched Methods or Methods.

Configure the wait time and batch size of dynamic batches

The @batched decorator takes in two required configuration parameters:

  • max_batch_size limits the number of inputs combined into a single batch.
  • wait_ms limits the amount of time the Function waits for more inputs after the first input is received.

The first invocation of the Batched Function initiates a new batch, and subsequent calls add requests to this ongoing batch. If max_batch_size is reached, the batch immediately executes. If the max_batch_size is not met but wait_ms has passed since the first request was added to the batch, the unfilled batch is executed.

Selecting a batch configuration

To optimize the batching configurations for your application, consider the following heuristics:

  • Set max_batch_size to the largest value your function can handle, so you can amortize and parallelize as much work as possible.

  • Set wait_ms to the difference between your targeted latency and the execution time. Most applications have a targeted latency, and this allows the latency of any request to stay within that limit.

Serve web endpoints with dynamic batching

Here’s a simple example of serving a Function that batches requests dynamically with a @modal.fastapi_endpoint. Run modal serve, submit requests to the endpoint, and the Function will batch your requests on the fly.

import modal

app = modal.App(image=modal.Image.debian_slim().pip_install("fastapi"))

@modal.batched(max_batch_size=2, wait_ms=1000)
async def batch_add(xs: list[int], ys: list[int]) -> list[int]:
    return [x + y for x, y in zip(xs, ys)]

@modal.fastapi_endpoint(method="POST", docs=True)
async def add(body: dict[str, int]) -> dict[str, int]:
    result = await batch_add.remote.aio(body["x"], body["y"])
    return {"result": result}

Now, you can submit requests to the web endpoint and process them in batches. For instance, the three requests in the following example, which might be requests from concurrent clients in a real deployment, will be batched into two executions:

import asyncio
import aiohttp

async def send_post_request(session, url, data):
    async with session.post(url, json=data) as response:
        return await response.json()

async def main():
    # Enter the URL of your web endpoint here
    url = "https://workspace--app-name-endpoint-name.modal.run"

    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        # Submit three requests asynchronously
        tasks = [
            send_post_request(session, url, {"x": 1, "y": 300}),
            send_post_request(session, url, {"x": 2, "y": 200}),
            send_post_request(session, url, {"x": 3, "y": 100}),
        results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
        for result in results:
            print(f"Sum: {result['result']}")
