Large dataset ingestion

This guide provides best practices for downloading, transforming, and storing large datasets within Modal. A dataset is considered large if it contains hundreds of thousands of files and/or is over 100 GiB in size.

These guidelines ensure that large datasets can be ingested fully and reliably.

Configure your Function for heavy disk usage

Large datasets should be downloaded and transformed using a modal.Function and stored into a modal.CloudBucketMount. We recommend backing the latter with a Cloudflare R2 bucket, because Cloudflare does not charge network egress fees and has lower GiB/month storage costs than AWS S3.

This modal.Function should specify a large timeout because large dataset processing can take hours, and it should request a larger ephemeral disk in cases where the dataset being downloaded and processed is hundreds of GiBs.

        "/mnt": modal.CloudBucketMount(
    ephemeral_disk=1000 * 1000,  # 1 TiB
    timeout=60 * 60 * 12,  # 12 hours

def download_and_transform() -> None:

Use compressed archives on Modal Volumes

modal.Volumes are designed for storing tens of thousands of individual files, but not for hundreds of thousands or millions of files. However they can be still be used for storing large datasets if files are first combined and compressed in a dataset transformation step before saving them into the Volume.

See the transforming section below for more details.


Downloading and transforming large datasets can be fiddly. While iterating on a reliable ingestion program it is recommended to start a long-running modal.Function serving a JupyterHub server so that you can maintain disk state in the face of application errors.

See the running Jupyter server within a Modal function example as base code.


The raw dataset data should be first downloaded into the container at /tmp/ and not placed directly into the mounted volume. This serves a couple purposes.

  1. Certain download libraries and tools (e.g. wget) perform filesystem operations not supported properly by CloudBucketMount.
  2. The raw dataset data may need to be transformed before use, in which case it is wasteful to store it permanently.

This snippet shows the basic download-and-copy procedure:

import pathlib
import shutil
import subprocess

tmp_path = pathlib.Path("/tmp/imagenet/")
vol_path = pathlib.Path("/mnt/imagenet/")
filename = ""
# 1. Download into /tmp/
    f"kaggle competitions download -c imagenet-object-localization-challenge --path {tmp_path}",
# 2. Copy (without transform) into mounted volume.
shutil.copy(tmp_path / filename, vol_path / filename)


When ingesting a large dataset it is sometimes necessary to tranform it before storage, so that it is in an optimal format for loading at runtime. A common kind of necessary transform is gzip decompression. Very large datasets are often gzipped for storage and network transmission efficiency, but gzip decompression (80 MiB/s) is hundreds of times slower than reading from a solid state drive and should be done once before storage to avoid decompressing on every read against the dataset.

Transformations should be performed after storing the raw dataset in /tmp/. Performing transformations almost always increases container disk usage and this is where the ephemeral_disk parameter parameter becomes important. For example, a 100 GiB raw, compressed dataset may decompress to into 500 GiB, occupying 600 GiB of container disk space.

Transformations should also typically be performed against /tmp/. This is because

  1. transforms can be IO intensive and IO latency is lower against local SSD.
  2. transforms can create temporary data which is wasteful to store permanently.


The best practices offered in this guide are demonstrated in the modal-examples repository.

The examples include these popular large datasets: