Dynamic sandboxes

In addition to the function interface, Modal has a direct interface for defining containers at runtime and running arbitrary code inside them.

This can be useful if, for example, you want to:

  • Run code generated by a language model with a list of dynamically generated requirements.
  • Check out a git repository and run a command against it, like a test suite, or npm lint.
  • Use Modal to orchestrate containers that don’t have or use Python.

Each individual job is called a Sandbox, and can be created using the Sandbox.create constructor:

from modal import Mount, Image, Sandbox

sb = Sandbox.create(
    "cd /repo && pytest .",
    mounts=[Mount.from_local_dir("./my_repo", remote_path="/repo")],
    timeout=600, # 10 minutes


if sb.returncode != 0:
    print(f"Tests failed with code {sb.returncode}")

It’s useful to note that the Sandbox object returned above has an interface similar to Python’s asyncio.subprocess.Process API, and can be used in a similar way.


Sandboxes support nearly all configuration options found in regular modal.Functions. Refer to Sandbox.create for further documentation on Sandbox parameterization.

Dynamically defined environments

Note that any valid Image or Mount can be used with a sandbox, even if those images or mounts have not previously been defined. This also means that images and mounts can be built from requirements at runtime. For example, you could use a language model to write some code and define your image, and then spawn a sandbox with it. Check out devlooper for a concrete example of this.

Returning or persisting data

Modal Volumes or CloudBucketMounts can be attached to sandboxes. If you want to give the caller access to files written by the sandbox, you could create an ephemeral Volume that will be garbage collected when the app finishes:

with modal.Volume.ephemeral() as vol:
    sb = modal.Sandbox.create(
        "echo foo > /cache/a.txt",
        volumes={"/cache": vol},
    for data in vol.read_file("a.txt"):

Alternatively, if you want to persist files between sandbox invocations (useful if you’re building a stateful code interpreter, for example), you can use create a persisted Volume with a dynamically assigned label:

session_id = "example-session-id-123abc"
vol = modal.Volume.from_name(f"vol-{session_id}", create_if_missing=True)
sb = modal.Sandbox.create(
    "echo foo > /cache/a.txt",
    volumes={"/cache": vol},

Isolation and security

Sandboxes can be used to run untrusted code, such as code from third parties or generated by a language model. Unlike regular Function runners, Sandbox runners do not have the ability to spawn new containers, or otherwise perform operations in your workspace. These runners are also torn down after execution, and never reused across calls. A sandbox’s network access can also be blocked with block_network=True.


Sandboxes support accepting input via the stdin attribute on the sandbox object. The stdin handle is a StreamWriter object.

sandbox = modal.Sandbox.create(
    "while read line; do echo $line; done",

sandbox.stdin.drain()  # flush line
sandbox.stdin.drain()  # flush line
sandbox.stdin.drain()  # flush EOF

for line in sandbox.stdout:


The interface for accessing Sandbox output is via the stdout and stderr attributes on the Sandbox object. These are LogsReader objects, and they support streaming output or reading it all in one call.

The read method fetches all logs until EOF and returns the entire output stream.

sandbox = modal.Sandbox.create("echo", "hello")


To stream output take advantage of the fact that stdout and stderr are iterable. Note that this snippet uses an asynchronous iteration.

import asyncio

from modal import Sandbox

async def run():
    sandbox = await Sandbox.create.aio(
        "for i in $(seq 1 10); do echo foo $i; sleep 0.1; done"
    async for line in sandbox.stdout:
