modal queue

Manage modal.Queue objects and inspect their contents.


modal queue [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • clear: Clear the contents of a queue by removing all of its data.
  • create: Create a named Queue.
  • delete: Delete a named Queue and all of its data.
  • len: Print the length of a queue partition or the total length of all partitions.
  • list: List all named Queues.
  • peek: Print the next N items in the queue or queue partition (without removal).

Clear the contents of a queue by removing all of its data.


modal queue clear [OPTIONS] NAME


  • NAME: [required]


  • -p, --partition TEXT: Name of the partition to use, otherwise use the default (anonymous) partition.
  • -a, --all: Clear the contents of all partitions.
  • -y, --yes: Run without pausing for confirmation.
  • -e, --env TEXT: Environment to interact with.

If not specified, Modal will use the default environment of your current profile, or the MODAL_ENVIRONMENT variable. Otherwise, raises an error if the workspace has multiple environments.

  • --help: Show this message and exit.

Create a named Queue.

Note: This is a no-op when the Queue already exists.


modal queue create [OPTIONS] NAME


  • NAME: [required]


  • -e, --env TEXT: Environment to interact with.

If not specified, Modal will use the default environment of your current profile, or the MODAL_ENVIRONMENT variable. Otherwise, raises an error if the workspace has multiple environments.

  • --help: Show this message and exit.

Delete a named Queue and all of its data.


modal queue delete [OPTIONS] NAME


  • NAME: [required]


  • -y, --yes: Run without pausing for confirmation.
  • -e, --env TEXT: Environment to interact with.

If not specified, Modal will use the default environment of your current profile, or the MODAL_ENVIRONMENT variable. Otherwise, raises an error if the workspace has multiple environments.

  • --help: Show this message and exit.

Print the length of a queue partition or the total length of all partitions.


modal queue len [OPTIONS] NAME


  • NAME: [required]


  • -p, --partition TEXT: Name of the partition to use, otherwise use the default (anonymous) partition.
  • -t, --total: Compute the sum of the queue lengths across all partitions
  • -e, --env TEXT: Environment to interact with.

If not specified, Modal will use the default environment of your current profile, or the MODAL_ENVIRONMENT variable. Otherwise, raises an error if the workspace has multiple environments.

  • --help: Show this message and exit.

List all named Queues.


modal queue list [OPTIONS]


  • --json / --no-json: [default: no-json]
  • -e, --env TEXT: Environment to interact with.

If not specified, Modal will use the default environment of your current profile, or the MODAL_ENVIRONMENT variable. Otherwise, raises an error if the workspace has multiple environments.

  • --help: Show this message and exit.

Print the next N items in the queue or queue partition (without removal).


modal queue peek [OPTIONS] NAME [N]


  • NAME: [required]
  • [N]: [default: 1]


  • -p, --partition TEXT: Name of the partition to use, otherwise use the default (anonymous) partition.
  • -e, --env TEXT: Environment to interact with.

If not specified, Modal will use the default environment of your current profile, or the MODAL_ENVIRONMENT variable. Otherwise, raises an error if the workspace has multiple environments.

  • --help: Show this message and exit.