modal app

Manage deployed and running apps.


modal app [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • list: List Modal apps that are currently deployed/running or recently stopped.
  • logs: Show App logs, streaming while active.
  • stop: Stop an app.

List Modal apps that are currently deployed/running or recently stopped.


modal app list [OPTIONS]


  • -e, --env TEXT: Environment to interact with.

If not specified, Modal will use the default environment of your current profile, or the MODAL_ENVIRONMENT variable. Otherwise, raises an error if the workspace has multiple environments.

  • --json / --no-json: [default: no-json]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

Show App logs, streaming while active.


Get the logs based on an app ID:

modal app logs ap-123456

Get the logs for a currently deployed App based on its name:

modal app logs --name my-app


modal app logs [OPTIONS] [APP_ID]


  • [APP_ID]: Look up any App by its ID


  • -n, --name TEXT: Look up a deployed App by its name
  • -e, --env TEXT: Environment to interact with.

If not specified, Modal will use the default environment of your current profile, or the MODAL_ENVIRONMENT variable. Otherwise, raises an error if the workspace has multiple environments.

  • --help: Show this message and exit.

Stop an app.


modal app stop [OPTIONS] [APP_ID]


  • [APP_ID]


  • -n, --name TEXT: Look up a deployed App by its name
  • -e, --env TEXT: Environment to interact with.

If not specified, Modal will use the default environment of your current profile, or the MODAL_ENVIRONMENT variable. Otherwise, raises an error if the workspace has multiple environments.

  • --help: Show this message and exit.