Run cron jobs in the cloud to search Hacker News
In this example, we use Modal to deploy a cron job that periodically queries Hacker News for new posts matching a given search term, and posts the results to Slack.
Import and define the app
Let’s start off with imports, and defining a Modal app.
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import modal
app = modal.App("example-hn-bot")
Now, let’s define an image that has the slack-sdk
package installed, in which we can run a function
that posts a slack message.
slack_sdk_image = modal.Image.debian_slim().pip_install("slack-sdk")
Defining the function and importing the secret
Our Slack bot will need access to a bot token.
We can use Modal’s Secrets interface to accomplish this.
To quickly create a Slack bot secret, navigate to the
create secret page, select the Slack secret template
from the list options, and follow the instructions in the “Where to find the credentials?” panel.
Name your secret hn-bot-slack.
Now, we define the function post_to_slack
, which simply instantiates the Slack client using our token,
and then uses it to post a message to a given channel name.
"hn-bot-slack", required_keys=["SLACK_BOT_TOKEN"]
async def post_to_slack(message: str):
import slack_sdk
client = slack_sdk.WebClient(token=os.environ["SLACK_BOT_TOKEN"])
client.chat_postMessage(channel="hn-alerts", text=message)
Searching Hacker News
We are going to use Algolia’s Hacker News Search API to query for posts matching a given search term in the past X days. Let’s define our search term and query period.
QUERY = "serverless"
Let’s also define an image that has the requests
package installed, so we can query the API.
requests_image = modal.Image.debian_slim().pip_install("requests")
We can now define our main entrypoint, that queries Algolia for the term, and calls post_to_slack
on all the results. We specify a schedule
in the function decorator, which means that our function will run automatically at the given interval.
def search_hackernews():
import requests
url = ""
threshold = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=WINDOW_SIZE_DAYS)
params = {
"query": QUERY,
"numericFilters": f"created_at_i>{threshold.timestamp()}",
response = requests.get(url, params, timeout=10).json()
urls = [item["url"] for item in response["hits"] if item.get("url")]
print(f"Query returned {len(urls)} items.")
Test running
We can now test run our scheduled function as follows: modal run
Defining the schedule and deploying
Let’s define a function that will be called by Modal every day
def run_daily():
In order to deploy this as a persistent cron job, you can run modal deploy
Once the job is deployed, visit the apps page page to see its execution history, logs and other stats.