Build your own data warehouse with DuckDB, DBT, and Modal

This example contains a minimal but capable data warehouse. It’s comprised of the following:

  • DuckDB as the warehouse’s OLAP database engine
  • AWS S3 as the data storage provider
  • DBT as the data transformation tool

Meet your new serverless cloud data warehouse, powered by Modal!

Configure Modal, S3, and DBT

The only thing in the source code that you must update is the S3 bucket name. AWS S3 bucket names are globally unique, and the one in this source is used by us to host this example.

Update the BUCKET_NAME variable below and also any references to the original value within sample_proj_duckdb_s3/models/. The AWS IAM policy below also includes the bucket name and that must be updated.

from pathlib import Path

import modal

BUCKET_NAME = "modal-example-dbt-duckdb-s3"
LOCAL_DBT_PROJECT = (  # local path
    Path(__file__).parent / "sample_proj_duckdb_s3"
PROJ_PATH = "/root/dbt"  # remote paths
PROFILES_PATH = "/root/dbt_profile"
TARGET_PATH = "/root/target"

We also define the environment our application will run in — a container image, as in Docker. See this guide for details.

dbt_image = (  # start from a slim Linux image
    .pip_install(  # install python packages
        "boto3~=1.34",  # aws client sdk
        "dbt-duckdb~=1.8.1",  # dbt and duckdb and a connector
        "pandas~=2.2.2",  # dataframes
        "pyarrow~=16.1.0",  # columnar data lib
    .env(  # configure DBT environment variables

app = modal.App(name="example-dbt-duckdb-s3", image=dbt_image)

Most of the DBT code and configuration is taken directly from the classic Jaffle Shop demo and modified to support using dbt-duckdb with an S3 bucket.

The DBT profiles.yml configuration is taken from the dbt-duckdb docs.

Here we mount all this local code and configuration into the Modal Function so that it will be available when we run DBT on Modal.

dbt_project = modal.Mount.from_local_dir(
dbt_profiles = modal.Mount.from_local_file(
    local_path=LOCAL_DBT_PROJECT / "profiles.yml",
    remote_path=Path(PROFILES_PATH, "profiles.yml"),
dbt_target = modal.Volume.from_name("dbt-target-vol", create_if_missing=True)

We’ll also need to authenticate with AWS to store data in S3.

s3_secret = modal.Secret.from_name("modal-examples-aws-user")

Create this Secret using the “AWS” template at Below we will use the provided credentials in a Modal Function to create an S3 bucket and populate it with .parquet data, so be sure to provide credentials for a user with permission to create S3 buckets and read & write data from them.

The policy required for this example is the following. Not that you must update the bucket name listed in the policy to your own bucket name.

    "Statement": [
            "Action": "s3:*",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "duckdbs3access"
    "Version": "2012-10-17"

Upload seed data

In order to provide source data for DBT to ingest and transform, we have the below create_source_data function which creates an AWS S3 bucket and populates it with Parquet files based off the CSV data in the seeds/ directory.

You can kick it off by running this script on Modal:

modal run

This script also runs the full data warehouse setup, and the whole process takes a minute or two. We’ll walk through the rest of the steps below. See the app.local_entrypoint below for details.

Note that this is not the typical way that seeds/ data is used, but it’s useful for this demonstration. See the DBT docs for more info.

def create_source_data():
    import boto3
    import pandas as pd
    from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

    s3_client = boto3.client("s3")

    for seed_csv_path in Path(PROJ_PATH, "seeds").glob("*.csv"):
        print(f"Found seed file {seed_csv_path}")
        name = seed_csv_path.stem
        parquet_filename = f"{name}.parquet"
        object_key = f"sources/{parquet_filename}"
            s3_client.head_object(Bucket=BUCKET_NAME, Key=object_key)
                f"File '{object_key}' already exists in bucket '{BUCKET_NAME}'. Skipping."
        except ClientError:
            df = pd.read_csv(seed_csv_path)
            print(f"Uploading '{object_key}' to S3 bucket '{BUCKET_NAME}'")
            s3_client.upload_file(parquet_filename, BUCKET_NAME, object_key)
            print(f"File '{object_key}' uploaded successfully.")

Run DBT on the cloud with Modal

Modal makes it easy to run Python code in the cloud. And DBT is a Python tool, so it’s easy to run DBT with Modal: below, we import the dbt library’s dbtRunner to pass commands from our Python code, running on Modal, the same way we’d pass commands on a command line.

Note that this Modal Function has access to our AWS Secret, the mounted local files with our DBT project and profiles, and a remote Modal Volume that acts as a distributed file system.

    mounts=[dbt_project, dbt_profiles],
    volumes={TARGET_PATH: dbt_target},
def run(command: str) -> None:
    from dbt.cli.main import dbtRunner

    res = dbtRunner().invoke(command.split(" "))
    if res.exception:

You can run this Modal Function from the command line with

modal run --command run

A successful run will log something like the following:

03:41:04  Running with dbt=1.5.0
03:41:05  Found 5 models, 8 tests, 0 snapshots, 0 analyses, 313 macros, 0 operations, 3 seed files, 3 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics, 0 groups
03:41:06  Concurrency: 1 threads (target='modal')
03:41:06  1 of 5 START sql table model main.stg_customers ................................ [RUN]
03:41:06  1 of 5 OK created sql table model main.stg_customers ........................... [OK in 0.45s]
03:41:06  2 of 5 START sql table model main.stg_orders ................................... [RUN]
03:41:06  2 of 5 OK created sql table model main.stg_orders .............................. [OK in 0.34s]
03:41:06  3 of 5 START sql table model main.stg_payments ................................. [RUN]
03:41:07  3 of 5 OK created sql table model main.stg_payments ............................ [OK in 0.36s]
03:41:07  4 of 5 START sql external model main.customers ................................. [RUN]
03:41:07  4 of 5 OK created sql external model main.customers ............................ [OK in 0.72s]
03:41:07  5 of 5 START sql table model main.orders ....................................... [RUN]
03:41:08  5 of 5 OK created sql table model main.orders .................................. [OK in 0.22s]
03:41:08  Finished running 4 table models, 1 external model in 0 hours 0 minutes and 3.15 seconds (3.15s).
03:41:08  Completed successfully
03:41:08  Done. PASS=5 WARN=0 ERROR=0 SKIP=0 TOTAL=5

Look for the 'materialized='external' DBT config in the SQL templates to see how dbt-duckdb is able to write back the transformed data to AWS S3!

After running the run command and seeing it succeed, check what’s contained under the bucket’s out/ key prefix. You’ll see that DBT has run the transformations defined in sample_proj_duckdb_s3/models/ and produced output .parquet files.

Serve fresh data documentation with FastAPI and Modal

DBT also automatically generates rich, interactive data docs. You can serve these docs on Modal. Just define a simple FastAPI app:

@app.function(volumes={TARGET_PATH: dbt_target}, allow_concurrent_inputs=100)
@modal.asgi_app()  # wrap a function that returns a FastAPI app in this decorator to host on Modal
def serve_dbt_docs():
    import fastapi
    from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles

    web_app = fastapi.FastAPI()
        StaticFiles(  # dbt docs are automatically generated and sitting in the Volume
            directory=TARGET_PATH, html=True

    return web_app

And deploy that app to Modal with

modal deploy
# ...
# Created web function serve_dbt_docs => <output-url>

If you navigate to the output URL, you should see something like example dbt docs

You can also check out our instance of the docs here. The app will be served “serverlessly” — it will automatically scale up or down during periods of increased or decreased usage, and you won’t be charged at all when it has scaled to zero.

Schedule daily updates

The following daily_build function runs on a schedule to keep the DuckDB data warehouse up-to-date. It is also deployed by the same modal deploy command for the docs app.

The source data for this warehouse is static, so the daily executions don’t really “update” anything, just re-build. But this example could be extended to have sources which continually provide new data across time. It will also generate the DBT docs daily to keep them fresh.

    mounts=[dbt_project, dbt_profiles],
    volumes={TARGET_PATH: dbt_target},
def daily_build() -> None:
    run.remote("docs generate")

def main():