Try DeepSeek-R1 on Modal! View example

Run large and small language models with llama.cpp (DeepSeek-R1, Phi-4)

This example demonstrate how to run small (Phi-4) and large (DeepSeek-R1) language models on Modal with llama.cpp.

By default, this example uses DeepSeek-R1 to produce a “Flappy Bird” game in Python — see the video below. The code used in the video is here, along with the model’s raw outputs. Note that getting the game to run required a small bugfix from a human — our jobs are still safe, for now.

from pathlib import Path

import modal

What GPU can run DeepSeek-R1? What GPU can run Phi-4?

Our large model is a real whale: DeepSeek-R1, which has 671B total parameters and so consumes over 100GB of storage, even when quantized down to one ternary digit (1.58 bits) per parameter.

To make sure we have enough room for it and its activations/KV cache, we select four L40S GPUs, which together have 192 GB of memory.

Phi-4, on the other hand, is a svelte 14B total parameters, or roughly 5 GB when quantized down to two bits per parameter.

That’s small enough that it can be comfortably run on a CPU, especially for a single-user setup like the one we’ll build here.

GPU_CONFIG = "L40S:4"  # for DeepSeek-R1, literal `None` for phi-4

Calling a Modal Function from the command line

To start, we define our main function — the Python function that we’ll run locally to trigger our inference to run on Modal’s cloud infrastructure.

This function, like the others that form our inference service running on Modal, is part of a Modal App. Specifically, it is a local_entrypoint. Any Python code can call Modal Functions remotely, but local entrypoints get a command-line interface for free.

app = modal.App("example-llama-cpp")

def main(
    prompt: str = None,
    model: str = "DeepSeek-R1",  # or "phi-4"
    n_predict: int = -1,  # max number of tokens to predict, -1 is infinite
    args: str = None,  # string of arguments to pass to llama.cpp's cli
    fast_download: bool = None,  # download model before starting inference function
    """Run llama.cpp inference on Modal for phi-4 or deepseek r1."""
    import shlex

    org_name = "unsloth"
    # two sample models: the diminuitive phi-4 and the chonky deepseek r1
    if model.lower() == "phi-4":
        model_name = "phi-4-GGUF"
        quant = "Q2_K"
        model_entrypoint_file = f"phi-4-{quant}.gguf"
        model_pattern = f"*{quant}*"
        revision = None
        if args is not None:
            args = shlex.split(args)
    elif model.lower() == "deepseek-r1":
        model_name = "DeepSeek-R1-GGUF"
        quant = "UD-IQ1_S"
        model_entrypoint_file = (
        model_pattern = f"*{quant}*"
        revision = "02656f62d2aa9da4d3f0cdb34c341d30dd87c3b6"
        if args is None:
            args = DEFAULT_DEEPSEEK_R1_ARGS
            args = shlex.split(args)
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown model {model}")

    repo_id = f"{org_name}/{model_name}"
    if fast_download or model.lower() == "deepseek-r1":
        download_model.remote(repo_id, [model_pattern], revision)

    # call out to a `.remote` Function on Modal for inference
    result = llama_cpp_inference.remote(
        store_output=model.lower() == "deepseek-r1",
    output_path = Path("/tmp") / f"llama-cpp-{model}.txt"
    output_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    print(f"🦙 writing response to {output_path}")

You can trigger inference from the command line with

modal run

To try out Phi-4 instead, use the --model argument:

modal run --model="phi-4"

Note that this will run for up to 30 minutes, which costs ~$5. To allow it to proceed even if your local terminal fails, add the --detach flag after modal run. See below for details on getting the outputs.

You can pass prompts with the --prompt argument and set the maximum number of tokens with the --n-predict argument.

Additional arguments for llama-cli are passed as a string like --args="--foo 1 --bar".

For convenience, we set a number of sensible defaults for DeepSeek-R1, following the suggestions by the team at unsloth, who quantized the model to 1.58 bit.

DEFAULT_DEEPSEEK_R1_ARGS = [  # good default llama.cpp cli args for deepseek-r1

Compiling llama.cpp with CUDA support

In order to run inference, we need the model’s weights and we need code to run inference with those weights.

llama.cpp is a no-frills C++ library for running large language models. It supports highly-quantized versions of models ideal for running single-user language modeling services on CPU or GPU.

We compile it, with CUDA support, and add it to a Modal container image using the code below.

For more details on using CUDA on Modal, including why we need to use the nvidia/cuda registry image in this case (hint: it’s for the nvcc compiler), see the Modal guide to using CUDA.


cuda_version = "12.4.0"  # should be no greater than host CUDA version
flavor = "devel"  #  includes full CUDA toolkit
operating_sys = "ubuntu22.04"
tag = f"{cuda_version}-{flavor}-{operating_sys}"

image = (
    modal.Image.from_registry(f"nvidia/cuda:{tag}", add_python="3.12")
        "git", "build-essential", "cmake", "curl", "libcurl4-openssl-dev"
    .run_commands("git clone")
        "cmake llama.cpp -B llama.cpp/build "
    .run_commands(  # this one takes a few minutes!
        "cmake --build llama.cpp/build --config Release -j --clean-first --target llama-quantize llama-cli"
    .run_commands("cp llama.cpp/build/bin/llama-* llama.cpp")
    .entrypoint([])  # remove NVIDIA base container entrypoint

Storing models on Modal

To make the model weights available on Modal, we download them from Hugging Face.

Modal is serverless, so disks are by default ephemeral. To make sure our weights don’t disappear between runs and require a long download step, we store them in a Modal Volume.

For more on how to use Modal Volumes to store model weights, see this guide.

model_cache = modal.Volume.from_name("llamacpp-cache", create_if_missing=True)
cache_dir = "/root/.cache/llama.cpp"

download_image = (
    .env({"HF_HUB_ENABLE_HF_TRANSFER": "1"})

    image=download_image, volumes={cache_dir: model_cache}, timeout=30 * MINUTES
def download_model(repo_id, allow_patterns, revision: str = None):
    from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download

    print(f"🦙 downloading model from {repo_id} if not present")


    model_cache.commit()  # ensure other Modal Functions can see our writes before we quit

    print("🦙 model loaded")

Storing model outputs on Modal

Contemporary large reasoning models are slow — for the sample “flappy bird” prompt we provide, results are sometimes produced only after several (or even tens of) minutes.

That makes their outputs worth storing. In addition to sending them back to clients, like our local command line, we’ll store the results on a Modal Volume for safe-keeping.

results = modal.Volume.from_name("llamacpp-results", create_if_missing=True)
results_dir = "/root/results"

You can retrieve the results later in a number of ways.

You can use the Volume CLI:

modal volume ls llamacpp-results

You can attach the Volume to a Modal shell to poke around in a familiar terminal environment:

modal shell --volume llamacpp-results
# then cd into /mnt

Or you can access it from any other Python environment by using the same modal.Volume call as above to instantiate it:

results = modal.Volume.from_name("llamacpp-results")
print(dir(results))  # show methods

Running llama.cpp as a Modal Function

Now, let’s put it all together.

At the top of our llama_cpp_inference function, we add an app.function decorator to attach all of our infrastructure:

  • the image with the dependencies
  • the volumes with the weights and where we can put outputs
  • the gpu we want, if any

We also specify a timeout after which to cancel the run.

Inside the function, we call the llama.cpp CLI with subprocess.Popen. This requires a bit of extra ceremony because we want to both show the output as we run and store the output to save and return to the local caller. For details, see the Addenda section below.

Alternatively, you might set up an OpenAI-compatible server using base llama.cpp or its Python wrapper library along with one of Modal’s decorators for web hosting.

    volumes={cache_dir: model_cache, results_dir: results},
    timeout=30 * MINUTES,
def llama_cpp_inference(
    model_entrypoint_file: str,
    prompt: str = None,
    n_predict: int = -1,
    args: list[str] = None,
    store_output: bool = True,
    import subprocess
    from uuid import uuid4

    if prompt is None:
        prompt = DEFAULT_PROMPT  # see end of file
    prompt = "<|User|>" + prompt + "<think>"
    if args is None:
        args = []

    # set layers to "off-load to", aka run on, GPU
    if GPU_CONFIG is not None:
        n_gpu_layers = 9999  # all
        n_gpu_layers = 0

    if store_output:
        result_id = str(uuid4())
        print(f"🦙 running inference with id:{result_id}")

    command = [
    ] + args

    print("🦙 running commmand:", command, sep="\n\t")
    p = subprocess.Popen(
        command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=False

    stdout, stderr = collect_output(p)

    if p.returncode != 0:
        raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(
            p.returncode, command, stdout, stderr

    if store_output:  # save results to a Modal Volume if requested
        print(f"🦙 saving results for {result_id}")
        result_dir = Path(results_dir) / result_id
        (result_dir / "out.txt").write_text(stdout)
        (result_dir / "err.txt").write_text(stderr)

    return stdout


The remainder of this code is less interesting from the perspective of running LLM inference on Modal but necessary for the code to run.

For example, it includes the default “Flappy Bird in Python” prompt included in unsloth’s announcement of their 1.58 bit quantization of DeepSeek-R1.

DEFAULT_PROMPT = """Create a Flappy Bird game in Python. You must include these things:

    You must use pygame.
    The background color should be randomly chosen and is a light shade. Start with a light blue color.
    Pressing SPACE multiple times will accelerate the bird.
    The bird's shape should be randomly chosen as a square, circle or triangle. The color should be randomly chosen as a dark color.
    Place on the bottom some land colored as dark brown or yellow chosen randomly.
    Make a score shown on the top right side. Increment if you pass pipes and don't hit them.
    Make randomly spaced pipes with enough space. Color them randomly as dark green or light brown or a dark gray shade.
    When you lose, show the best score. Make the text inside the screen. Pressing q or Esc will quit the game. Restarting is pressing SPACE again.

The final game should be inside a markdown section in Python. Check your code for errors and fix them before the final markdown section."""

def stream_output(stream, queue, write_stream):
    """Reads lines from a stream and writes to a queue and a write stream."""
    for line in iter(stream.readline, b""):
        line = line.decode("utf-8", errors="replace")

def collect_output(process):
    """Collect up the stdout and stderr of a process while still streaming it out."""
    import sys
    from queue import Queue
    from threading import Thread

    stdout_queue = Queue()
    stderr_queue = Queue()

    stdout_thread = Thread(
        target=stream_output, args=(process.stdout, stdout_queue, sys.stdout)
    stderr_thread = Thread(
        target=stream_output, args=(process.stderr, stderr_queue, sys.stderr)


    stdout_collected = "".join(stdout_queue.queue)
    stderr_collected = "".join(stderr_queue.queue)

    return stdout_collected, stderr_collected