Try DeepSeek-R1 on Modal! View example

Deploy 100,000 multiplayer checkboxes on Modal with FastHTML

Screenshot of FastHTML Checkboxes UI

This example shows how you can deploy a multiplayer checkbox game with FastHTML on Modal.

FastHTML is a Python library built on top of HTMX which allows you to create entire web applications using only Python. For a simpler template for using FastHTML with Modal, check out this example.

Our example is inspired by 1 Million Checkboxes.

import time
from asyncio import Lock
from pathlib import Path
from uuid import uuid4

import modal

from .constants import N_CHECKBOXES

app = modal.App("example-checkboxes")
db = modal.Dict.from_name("example-checkboxes-db", create_if_missing=True)

css_path_local = Path(__file__).parent / "styles.css"
css_path_remote = "/assets/styles.css"

    .pip_install("python-fasthtml==0.6.9", "inflect~=7.4.0")
    .add_local_file(css_path_local, remote_path=css_path_remote),
    max_containers=1,  # we currently maintain state in memory, so we restrict the server to one worker
def web():
    import fasthtml.common as fh
    import inflect

    # Connected clients are tracked in-memory
    clients = {}
    clients_mutex = Lock()

    # We keep all checkbox fasthtml elements in memory during operation, and persist to modal dict across restarts
    checkboxes = db.get("checkboxes", [])
    checkbox_mutex = Lock()

    if len(checkboxes) == N_CHECKBOXES:
        print("Restored checkbox state from previous session.")
        print("Initializing checkbox state.")
        checkboxes = []
        for i in range(N_CHECKBOXES):
                    # when clicked, that checkbox will send a POST request to the server with its index
                    hx_swap_oob="true",  # allows us to later push diffs to arbitrary checkboxes by id

    async def on_shutdown():
        # Handle the shutdown event by persisting current state to modal dict
        async with checkbox_mutex:
            db["checkboxes"] = checkboxes
        print("Checkbox state persisted.")

    style = open(css_path_remote, "r").read()
    app, _ = fh.fast_app(
        # FastHTML uses the ASGI spec, which allows handling of shutdown events

    # handler run on initial page load
    async def get():
        # register a new client
        client = Client()
        async with clients_mutex:
            clients[] = client

        return (
            fh.Title(f"{N_CHECKBOXES // 1000}k Checkboxes"),
                    f"{inflect.engine().number_to_words(N_CHECKBOXES).title()} Checkboxes"
                # use HTMX to poll for diffs to apply
                hx_trigger="every 1s",  # poll every second
                hx_get=f"/diffs/{}",  # call the diffs endpoint
                hx_swap="none",  # don't replace the entire page

    # users submitting checkbox toggles"/checkbox/toggle/{i}")
    async def toggle(i: int):
        async with checkbox_mutex:
            cb = checkboxes[i]
            cb.checked = not cb.checked
            checkboxes[i] = cb

        async with clients_mutex:
            expired = []
            for client in clients.values():
                # clean up old clients
                if not client.is_active():

                # add diff to client for when they next poll

            for client_id in expired:
                del clients[client_id]

    # clients polling for any outstanding diffs
    async def diffs(client_id: str):
        # we use the `hx_swap_oob='true'` feature to
        # push updates only for the checkboxes that changed
        async with clients_mutex:
            client = clients.get(client_id, None)
            if client is None or len(client.diffs) == 0:

            diffs = client.pull_diffs()

        async with checkbox_mutex:
            diff_array = [checkboxes[i] for i in diffs]

        return diff_array

    return app

Class for tracking state to push out to connected clients

class Client:
    def __init__(self): = str(uuid4())
        self.diffs = []
        self.inactive_deadline = time.time() + 30

    def is_active(self):
        return time.time() < self.inactive_deadline

    def heartbeat(self):
        self.inactive_deadline = time.time() + 30

    def add_diff(self, i):
        if i not in self.diffs:

    def pull_diffs(self):
        # return a copy of the diffs and clear them
        diffs = self.diffs
        self.diffs = []
        return diffs