Publish interactive datasets with Datasette
This example shows how to serve a Datasette application on Modal. The published dataset is COVID-19 case data from Johns Hopkins University which is refreshed daily. Try it out for yourself here.
Some Modal features it uses:
Volumes: a persisted volume lets us store and grow the published dataset over time.
Scheduled functions: the underlying dataset is refreshed daily, so we schedule a function to run daily.
Web endpoints: exposes the Datasette application for web browser interaction and API requests.
Basic setup
Let’s get started writing code.
For the Modal container image we need a few Python packages,
including GitPython
, which we’ll use to download the dataset.
import asyncio
import multiprocessing
import pathlib
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
from datetime import datetime
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
import modal
app = modal.App("example-covid-datasette")
datasette_image = (
.pip_install("datasette~=0.63.2", "sqlite-utils")
Persistent dataset storage
To separate database creation and maintenance from serving, we’ll need the underlying
database file to be stored persistently. To achieve this we use a Volume
volume = modal.Volume.from_name(
"example-covid-datasette-cache-vol", create_if_missing=True
DB_FILENAME = "covid-19.db"
VOLUME_DIR = "/cache-vol"
REPORTS_DIR = pathlib.Path(VOLUME_DIR, "COVID-19")
Getting a dataset
Johns Hopkins has been publishing up-to-date COVID-19 pandemic data on GitHub since early February 2020, and as of late September 2022 daily reporting is still rolling in. Their dataset is what this example will use to show off Modal and Datasette’s capabilities.
The full git repository size for the dataset is over 6GB, but we only need to shallow clone around 300MB.
volumes={VOLUME_DIR: volume},
def download_dataset(cache=True):
if REPORTS_DIR.exists() and cache:
print(f"Dataset already present and {cache=}. Skipping download.")
elif REPORTS_DIR.exists():
print("Cleaning dataset before re-downloading...")
print("Downloading dataset...")
print("Unpacking archive...")
prefix = "COVID-19-master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_daily_reports"
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
f"unzip /tmp/ {prefix}/* -d {tmpdir}", shell=True
tmpdir_path = pathlib.Path(tmpdir)"mv {tmpdir_path / prefix}/* {REPORTS_DIR}", shell=True)
print("Committing the volume...")
print("Finished downloading dataset.")
Data munging
This dataset is no swamp, but a bit of data cleaning is still in order. The following two
functions read a handful of .csv
files and clean the data, before inserting it into
def load_daily_reports():
daily_reports = list(REPORTS_DIR.glob("*.csv"))
if not daily_reports:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Could not find any daily reports in {REPORTS_DIR}."
# Preload report files to speed up sequential loading
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(128), daily_reports)
for filepath in daily_reports:
yield from load_report(filepath)
def preload_report(filepath):
def load_report(filepath):
import csv
mm, dd, yyyy = filepath.stem.split("-")
with as fp:
for row in csv.DictReader(fp):
province_or_state = (
or row.get("Province/State")
or row.get("Province_State")
or None
country_or_region = row.get("Country_Region") or row.get(
yield {
"day": f"{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd}",
"country_or_region": (
country_or_region.strip() if country_or_region else None
"province_or_state": (
province_or_state.strip() if province_or_state else None
"confirmed": int(float(row["Confirmed"] or 0)),
"deaths": int(float(row["Deaths"] or 0)),
"recovered": int(float(row["Recovered"] or 0)),
"active": int(row["Active"]) if row.get("Active") else None,
"last_update": row.get("Last Update")
or row.get("Last_Update")
or None,
Inserting into SQLite
With the CSV processing out of the way, we’re ready to create an SQLite DB and feed data into it.
Importantly, the prep_db
function mounts the same volume used by download_dataset()
, and
rows are batch inserted with progress logged after each batch, as the full COVID-19 has millions
of rows and does take some time to be fully inserted.
A more sophisticated implementation would only load new data instead of performing a full refresh, but we’re keeping things simple for this example!
def chunks(it, size):
import itertools
return iter(lambda: tuple(itertools.islice(it, size)), ())
volumes={VOLUME_DIR: volume},
def prep_db():
import sqlite_utils
print("Loading daily reports...")
records = load_daily_reports()
# Update database in a local temp dir
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
tmpdir_path = pathlib.Path(tmpdir)
tmp_db_path = tmpdir_path / DB_FILENAME
if DB_PATH.exists():
shutil.copyfile(DB_PATH, tmp_db_path)
db = sqlite_utils.Database(tmp_db_path)
table = db["johns_hopkins_csse_daily_reports"]
batch_size = 100_000
for i, batch in enumerate(chunks(records, size=batch_size)):
truncate = True if i == 0 else False
table.insert_all(batch, batch_size=batch_size, truncate=truncate)
print(f"Inserted {len(batch)} rows into DB.")
table.create_index(["day"], if_not_exists=True)
table.create_index(["province_or_state"], if_not_exists=True)
table.create_index(["country_or_region"], if_not_exists=True)
DB_PATH.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
shutil.copyfile(tmp_db_path, DB_PATH)
print("Syncing DB with volume.")
print("Volume changes committed.")
Keep it fresh
Johns Hopkins commits new data to the dataset repository every day, so we set up a scheduled function to automatically refresh the database every 24 hours.
@app.function(schedule=modal.Period(hours=24), timeout=1000)
def refresh_db():
print(f"Running scheduled refresh at {}")
Web endpoint
Hooking up the SQLite database to a Modal webhook is as simple as it gets.
The Modal @asgi_app
decorator wraps a few lines of code: one import
and a few
lines to instantiate the Datasette
instance and return its app server.
volumes={VOLUME_DIR: volume},
def ui():
from import Datasette
ds = Datasette(files=[DB_PATH], settings={"sql_time_limit_ms": 10000})
Publishing to the web
Run this script using modal run
and it will create the database.
You can then use modal serve
to create a short-lived web URL
that exists until you terminate the script.
When publishing the interactive Datasette app you’ll want to create a persistent URL.
Just run modal deploy
def run():
print("Downloading COVID-19 dataset...")
print("Prepping SQLite DB...")
You can explore the data at the deployed web endpoint.