Structured Data Extraction using instructor

This example demonstrates how to use the instructor library to extract structured, schematized data from unstructured text.

Structured output is a powerful but under-appreciated feature of LLMs. Structured output allows LLMs and multimodal models to connect to traditional software, for example enabling the ingestion of unstructured data like text files into structured databases. Applied properly, it makes them an extreme example of the Robustness Principle Jon Postel formulated for TCP: “Be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept”.

The unstructured data used in this example code is the code from the examples in the Modal examples repository — including this example’s code!

The output includes a JSONL file containing, on each line, the metadata extracted from the code in one example. This can be consumed downstream by other software systems, like a database or a dashboard. We’ve used it to maintain and update our examples repository.

Environment setup

We set up the environment our code will run in first. In Modal, we define environments via container images, much like Docker images, by iteratively chaining together commands.

Here there’s just one command, installing instructor and the Python SDK for Anthropic’s LLM API.

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal, Optional

import modal
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

image = modal.Image.debian_slim(python_version="3.11").pip_install(
    "instructor~=1.7.2", "anthropic==0.42.0"

This example uses models from Anthropic, so if you want to run it yourself, you’ll need an Anthropic API key and a Modal Secret called my-anthropic-secret to hold share it with your Modal Functions.

app = modal.App(
            "anthropic-secret", required_keys=["ANTHROPIC_API_KEY"]

Running Modal functions from the command line

We’ll run the example by calling modal run from the command line.

When we invoke modal run on a Python file, we run the function marked with @app.local_entrypoint.

This is the only code that runs locally — it coordinates the activity of the rest of our code, which runs in Modal’s cloud.

The logic is fairly simple: collect up the code for our examples, and then use instructor to extract metadata from them, which we then write to a file.

By default, the language model is Claude 3 Haiku, the smallest model in the Claude 3 family. We include the option to run with_opus, which gives much better results, but it is off by default because Opus is also ~60x more expensive, at ~$30 per million tokens.

def main(limit: int = 1, with_opus: bool = False):
    # find all of the examples in the repo
    examples = get_examples()
    # optionally limit the number of examples we process
    if limit == 1:
        examples = [None]  # just run on this example
        examples = examples[:limit]
    # use Modal to map our extraction function over the examples concurrently
    results =
        (  # iterable of file contents
            Path(example.filename).read_text() if example else None
            for example in examples
        (  # iterable of filenames
            example.stem if example else None for example in examples
        kwargs={"with_opus": with_opus},

    # save the results to a local file
    results_path = Path("/tmp") / "instructor_generate" / "results.jsonl"
    results_dir = results_path.parent
    if not results_dir.exists():

    print(f"writing results to {results_path}")
    with open(results_path, "w") as f:
        for result in results:
            f.write(result + "\n")

Extracting JSON from unstructured text with instructor and Pydantic

The real meat of this example is in this section, in the extract_example_metadata function and its schemas.

We define a schema for the data we want the LLM to extract, using Pydantic. Instructor ensures that the LLM’s output matches this schema.

We can use the type system provided by Python and Pydantic to express many useful features of the data we want to extract — ranging from wide-open fields like a string-valued summary to constrained fields like difficulty, which can only take on value between 1 and 5.

class ExampleMetadataExtraction(BaseModel):
    """Extracted metadata about an example from the Modal examples repo."""

    summary: str = Field(..., description="A brief summary of the example.")
    has_thorough_explanation: bool = Field(
        description="The example contains, in the form of inline comments with markdown formatting, a thorough explanation of what the code does.",
    tags: list[
    ] = Field(..., description="The use cases associated with the example")
    freshness: float = Field(
        description="The freshness of the example, from 0 to 1. This is relative to your knowledge cutoff. Examples are less fresh if they use older libraries and tools.",

That schema describes the data to be extracted by the LLM, but not all data is best extracted by an LLM. For example, the filename is easily determined in software.

So we inject that information into the output after the LLM has done its work. That necessitates an additional schema, which inherits from the first.

class ExampleMetadata(ExampleMetadataExtraction):
    """Metadata about an example from the Modal examples repo."""

    filename: Optional[str] = Field(
        ..., description="The filename of the example."

With these schemas in hand, it’s straightforward to write the function that extracts the metadata. Note that we decorate it with @app.function to make it run on Modal.

@app.function(max_containers=5)  # watch those LLM API rate limits!
def extract_example_metadata(
    example_contents: Optional[str] = None,
    filename: Optional[str] = None,
    import instructor
    from anthropic import Anthropic

    # if no example is provided, use the contents of this example
    if example_contents is None:
        example_contents = Path(__file__).read_text()
        filename = Path(__file__).name

    client = instructor.from_anthropic(Anthropic())
    model = "claude-3-opus-20240229" if with_opus else "claude-3-haiku-20240307"

    # add the schema as the `response_model` argument in what otherwise looks like a normal LLM API call
    extracted_metadata = client.messages.create(
                "role": "user",
                "content": f"Extract the metadata for this example.\n\n-----EXAMPLE BEGINS-----{example_contents}-----EXAMPLE ENDS-----\n\n",

    # inject the filename
    full_metadata = ExampleMetadata(
        **extracted_metadata.dict(), filename=filename

    # return it as JSON
    return full_metadata.model_dump_json()


The rest of the code used in this example is not particularly interesting: just a utility function to find all of the examples, which we invoke in the local_entrypoint above.

def get_examples(silent=True):
    """Find all of the examples using a utility from this repo.

    We use importlib to avoid the need to define the repo as a package."""
    import importlib

    examples_root = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent
    spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
        "utils", f"{examples_root}/internal/"
    example_utils = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
    examples = [
        for example in example_utils.get_examples()
        if example.type != 2  # filter out non-code assets
    return examples