Many teams use Airflow to manage multi-stage workflows. However, when scaling workflows from local to production, Airflow relies on Celery or Kubernetes, which are difficult and time-consuming to set up, especially if you need to provision GPUs for AI / ML workflows.
Modal is a much simpler way to manage GPUs and containerized environments, making it ideal for AI / ML workflows. Modal can be triggered directly from an Airflow DAG and can serve as a replacement for your Celery or Kubernetes executor. You’d get the same scalability features from those backends with the ease of installation of the Local executor.
In this blog post, we’ll show you how to run Modal jobs from Airflow:
- Install Modal in your Airflow environment
- Set your Modal token ID and secret in your Airflow environment
- Option 1: Deploy your Modal Functions and call
- Option 2: Create a custom operator that uses Modal Sandboxes
We’ll go through each of these steps for a simple example: a two-step data pipeline pulling ELI5 questions from Reddit and answering them using an LLM.
Install Modal in your Airflow environment
We recommend you use Astro CLI to develop Airflow locally. Astro CLI is provided by the good folks at Astronomer, a fully managed Airflow platform.
To install Modal into this Airflow environment, add modal
to the requirements.txt
file of your Astro project. If you don’t have an Astro project, download the Astro CLI and run astro dev init
If you’re using Astro Hosted, these dependencies will be included in your deployment when you run astro deploy
Set your Modal token
Set the following environment variables in your Airflow environment:
If you already have Modal set up locally, you can find your token id and secret values by running cat ~/.modal.toml
. You can also create new token credentials from your Modal Settings.
For local development, you can set these environment variables in .env
in your Astro project. When you’re ready to deploy to production, you can sync these to your production deployment with these steps.
Option 1: Deploy Modal Functions and call via lookup
Good for: Existing Modal users with deployed Functions, teams wanting separation of concerns between Airflow and Modal deploy process
Let’s assume we already have a Modal App called example-modal-airflow
with two Functions:
: scrapes ELI5 questions from Redditanswer_questions
: answers lists of questions using an LLM (requires GPU, see this example)
If we deploy this App to our workspace with modal deploy
, we can call it directly from Airflow with lookup
and remote
Airflow DAG using Modal lookup
from airflow.decorators import dag, task
from datetime import datetime
from modal import Dict, Function
start_date=datetime(2024, 1, 1),
def example_modal_airflow():
# create dict for storing results
d = Dict.from_name("reddit-question-answers", create_if_missing=True)
def fetch_reddit(**context) -> None:
This task gets the 100 newest ELI5 questions from Reddit
# look up function in our deployment
f = Function.from_name("example-modal-airflow", "fetch_reddit")
questions = f.remote()
for q in questions:
d[q] = None # store questions first
def answer_questions(**context) -> None:
Uses LLM example to answer the questions
# look up inference function
f = Function.from_name("example-modal-airflow", "answer_questions")
questions = list(d.keys())
answers = f.remote(questions)
# update dict with answers
for i in range(len(questions)):
d[questions[i]] = answers[i]
# define dependencies
fetch_reddit() >> answer_questions()
# instantiate DAG
You can run astro run example_modal_airflow()
from the terminal or go to the Airflow UI to trigger the workflow manually:
If we go to our Modal dashboard, we can see the run logs for each of these invocations, including GPU utilization for the LLM task:
We’re using a Modal Dict here as intermediate storage between tasks, which is also easy to inspect for debugging purposes. We can use it to look at an example output of our pipeline directly from any Python environment:
>>> import modal
>>> d = modal.Dict.from_name('reddit-question-answers')
>>> for item in d.items():
... print(item[0])
... print(item[1])
... break
ELI5 Indian metro system
The Delhi Metro, also known as the DMRC (Delhi Metro Rail Corporation), is a rapid transit system serving the city of New Delhi and its surrounding areas in India. Here's an ELI5 explanation:
**What is it?**
The Delhi Metro is a train-based public transportation system that connects various parts of the city. It's like a big, underground highway for trains that takes people from one place to another.
**How does it work?**
1. **Trains:** The Delhi Metro has 8 lines with over 225 stations, which are connected by trains that run on tracks.
2. **Lines:** There are two types of lines: Phase I (Phase 1) and Phase II (Phase 2). Phase I has 6 lines, while Phase II has 3 more lines.
3. **Stations:** Each station has platforms where passengers can board or exit the train. Some stations have multiple platforms, so you might need to check the signs to find your platform number.
4. **Fares:** You can buy tickets at ticket counters or use your smart cards (like a special kind of debit card).
5. **Frequency:** Trains run frequently, usually every few minutes during peak hours and less often during off-peak hours
Here are some other options for passing data between tasks:
- Pass the data directly: this uses Airflow XComs, which in turn uses the metadata database in your Airflow deployment for storage. This approach is more limited in size of data you can transmit; if you’re using Postgres, that limit is 1GB. Meanwhile, Modal Dicts have a limit of 10GB.
- Mount a Volume in your Modal function and store the data there: a lot of raw data is expressed in files (e.g. NYC taxi trips), and Volumes are a more natural way to store files and directories.
Option 2: Create a custom Operator that uses Modal Sandboxes
Good for: Existing Airflow users who are looking for an easy way to access GPUs for a task directly in their DAG code
Alternatively, you can write a custom Operator that uses Modal Sandboxes to run Python code in a container defined at runtime.
Your directory structure will look something like this:
├── dags/
│ └── # DAG that calls ModalOperator and passes in the function from
│ └── utils/
│ └── # Python scripts we want to run inside a Modal Sandbox
├── include/
│ └── # custom operator that defines how Python functions get run in Modal Sandboxes
Let’s start with
. In Airflow, an Operator is a Python class that gets instantiated as a task when you call it in a DAG. You may already be familiar with BashOperator
or KubernetesPodOperator
. Custom Operators allow you to re-use code across tasks that call the same service:
Our Operator has three initialization parameters:
: a modal.Client object that reads in our token environment variablesfn
: the Python function that we want to run in a sandboxsandbox_config
: dictionary of Sandbox parameters (e.g. image, gpus)
# include/
from airflow.models.baseoperator import BaseOperator
import inspect
import modal
class ModalOperator(BaseOperator):
Custom Airflow Operator for executing tasks on Modal.
def __init__(self, client, fn, sandbox_config, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.client = client
self.fn = fn
def execute(self, context):
# converts the Python function object into an executable string
fn_lines = inspect.getsourcelines(self.fn)[0]
fn_as_string = "".join(fn_lines)
# runs the function in a Modal Sandbox with the provided config
sb = modal.Sandbox.create(
Next, let’s define fetch_reddit
# dags/utils/
def fetch_reddit():
# import task dependencies inside of functions, not global scope
import os
import praw
# Reddit client secrets that are saved as Modal Secrets
reddit = praw.Reddit(
subreddit = reddit.subreddit("explainlikeimfive")
questions = [topic.title for topic in]
file_path = "/data/topics.txt"
print(f"Writing data to {file_path}")
with open(file_path, "w") as file:
Finally, let’s put this script and our new custom Operator together in a DAG:
# dags/
## ModalOperator + Sandboxes example
from airflow.decorators import dag
from include.modal_operator import ModalOperator
from dags.utils.scripts import fetch_reddit
from datetime import datetime
import modal
import os
start_date=datetime(2024, 1, 1),
def example_modal_operator():
reddit = ModalOperator(
# pass in your Modal token credentials from environment variables
# function we import from ``
# define Python dependencies
"image": modal.Image.debian_slim().pip_install(
# attach Modal secret containing our Reddit API credentials
"secrets": [
# attach Volume, where the output of the script will be stored
"volumes": {
"/data": modal.Volume.from_name("airflow-sandbox-vol")
# instantiate the DAG
This DAG imports the function in our script, instantiates a Modal Client, and launches the script in a Sandbox via our custom ModalOperator.
Note: We are currently working on a Modal Airflow provider package that would allow you to install the above ModalOperator
and associated Modal Connection object directly into your Airflow project.
Conclusion: Airflow + Modal help each other
The biggest benefit of using Modal with Airflow is that it easily allows you to isolate your task environment from your Airflow environment. The current solution for this today is to stand up a complicated deploy process building Docker images, publishing to a registry, and using the KubernetesPodOperator.
For Modal users, defining custom images or attaching GPUs is as simple as a function decorator, while Airflow adds a single control pane to oversee the lifecycle of a multi-stage pipeline. Together you get the best of both worlds: full-featured data pipeline observability and easy GPU container lifecycle management.
Are you an Astronomer and Modal customer?
We highly encourage you to try out Modal in your Astronomer workflows as we roll out a tighter integration. Please reach out to or Astronomer support if you have any feedback and/or are interested in being a design partner with us.