GPU Glossary
GPU Glossary

What is the CUDA C++ programming language?

CUDA C++ is an implementation of the CUDA programming model as an extension of the C++ programming language.

CUDA C++ adds several features to C++ to implement the CUDA programming model , including:

  • Kernel definition with global. CUDA kernels are implemented as C functions that take in pointers and have return type void, annotated with this keyword.
  • Kernel launches with <<<>>>. Kernels are executed from the CPU host using a triple bracket syntax that sets the thread block grid dimensions.
  • Shared memory allocation with the shared keyword, barrier synchronization with the __syncthreads() intrinsic function, and thread block and thread indexing with the blockDim and threadIdx built-in variables.

CUDA C++ programs are compiled by a combination of host C/C++ compiler drivers like gcc and the NVIDIA CUDA Compiler Driver , nvcc.

For information on how to use CUDA C++ on Modal, see this guide .

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