What is a Streaming Multiprocessor?
When we program GPUs , we produce sequences of instructions for its Streaming Multiprocessors to carry out.
A diagram of the internal architecture of an H100 GPU's Streaming Multiprocessors. GPU cores appear in green, other compute units in maroon, scheduling units in orange, and memory in blue. Modified from NVIDIA's H100 white paper .
Streaming Multiprocessors (SMs) of NVIDIA GPUs are roughly analogous to the cores of CPUs. That is, SMs both execute computations and store state available for computation in registers, with associated caches. Compared to CPU cores, GPU SMs are simple, weak processors. Execution in SMs is pipelined within an instruction (as in almost all CPUs since the 1990s) but there is no speculative execution or instruction pointer prediction (unlike all contemporary high-performance CPUs).
However, GPU SMs can execute more threads in parallel.
For comparison: an AMD EPYC 9965 CPU draws at most 500 W and has 192 cores, each of which can execute instructions for at most two threads at a time, for a total of 384 threads in parallel, running at about 1.25 W per thread.
An H100 SXM GPU draws at most 700 W and has 132 SMs, each of which has four Warp Schedulers that can each issue instructions to 32 threads (aka a warp ) in parallel per clock cycle, for a total of 128 × 132 > 16,000 parallel threads running at about 5 cW apiece. Note that this is truly parallel: each of the 16,000 threads can make progress with each clock cycle.
GPU SMs also support a large number of concurrent threads -- threads of execution whose instructions are interleaved.
A single SM on an H100 can concurrently execute up to 2048 threads split across 64 thread groups of 32 threads each. With 132 SMs, that's a total of over 250,000 concurrent threads.
CPUs can also run many threads concurrently. But switches between warps happen at the speed of a single clock cycle (over 1000x faster than context switches on a CPU), again powered by the SM's Warp Schedulers . The volume of available warps and the speed of warp switches help hide latency caused by memory reads, thread synchronization, or other expensive instructions, ensuring that the compute resources (especially the CUDA Cores and Tensor Cores ) are well utilized.
This latency-hiding is the secret to GPUs' strengths. CPUs seek to hide latency from end-users and programmers by maintaining large, hardware-managed caches and sophisticated instruction prediction. This extra hardware limits the fraction of their silicon area, power, and heat budgets that CPUs can allocate to computation.
GPUs dedicate more of their area to compute (green), and less to control and caching (orange and blue), than do CPUs. Modified from a diagram in Fabien Sanglard's blog , itself likely modifed from a diagram in the CUDA C Programming Guide .
For programs or functions like neural network inference or sequential database scans for which it is relatively straightforward for programmers to express the behavior of caches — e.g. store a chunk of each input matrix and keep it in cache for long enough to compute the related outputs — the result is much higher throughput.