GPU Glossary
GPU Glossary

What is a Thread Block Grid?

Thread block grids are the highest level of the thread group hierarchy of the CUDA programming model (left). They map onto multiple Streaming Multiprocessors (right, bottom). Modified from diagrams in NVIDIA's CUDA Refresher: The CUDA Programming Model and the NVIDIA CUDA C++ Programming Guide .

When a CUDA kernel is launched, it creates a collection of threads known as a thread block grid. Grids can be one, two, or three dimensional. They are made up of thread blocks .

The matching level of the memory hierarchy is the global memory .

Thread blocks are effectively independent units of computation. They execute concurrently, that is, with indeterminate order, ranging from fully sequentially in the case of a GPU with a single Streaming Multiprocessor to fully in parallel when run on a GPU with sufficient resources to run them all simultaneously.

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